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We just got to the airport. I'm not too happy of a camper right now since we just found out that our seating arrangements are all whacked up. Basically, Steph and I can't sit together. I don't even know who the heck I'm sitting with...

So now we're just heading onto the plane, and I sit in row 32C... I plop down by the window seat, since I get the best natural reading light there. And in comes Jennifer. Right next to me. Crapola and cheese. Why Lord, why!?

"No. Flippin'. Way." I glare annoyingly at Jennifer.

"C'mon..." She grumbles to her self. Hopefully, she doesn't need to say anything important to me while I read, 'cause I wanna be zoned into my book this whole plane trip so I don't have to listen to her.

She just sat there with her headphones on and her cassette tape rewinding.

I looked around for Stephanie and Jordan before I started reading, and it turns out they were sitting together too in the back. I think it was row 36F and 37F. Poor Steph. She looked as annoyed as I was when I found out the ugly truth. She looked pretty bored. Then she took one of the magazines in the pocket of the back of the seat in front of her, and started flipping through it. Jordan had his headphones, too but it looked like he was nodding his head and lip-synching to whatever song was playing.

I think the flight was about six hours. We all tried to keep to ourselves but I felt like we were all annoyed at each other at the same time.

Jennifer finally spoke up and talked to one of the flight attendants, "Um, excuse me, miss. But, may I switch seats with that girl over there?" She points in Steph's direction. Please move! Please move! Please move!

"Well, alright. But make it fast before someone else sees!" She whispered.

"Thank you, miss!" She rushes over and taps on Stephanie's shoulder and all I see is lips moving and Jennifer pointing at me. I think I saw Jennifer mouth out my name and Steph's eyes lit up. That was a promising sign.

Stephanie scurried over to the empty seat, trying to duck her head down like it was a mission to get over to me. I watched her set her purse down and get situated (She's looks so hot.). Then she looked at what book I was reading and said that's one of her favorite books.

"Really!?" I said in an excitedly-dorky voice. I felt my face get hot. I felt like Zack Morris when he talked to Kelly Kapowski when they were younger.

"Totally!" She chirped. She made me feel a little more secure. Then we just stared into each other's eyes. And then I leaned in to kiss her.

Our kisses gave me an idea. I released my self from our amazing kiss, and I told her my plan. She seemed pretty thrilled and her giggling was so cute! I took her hand and brought her to the front of the plane and into one of the closets so we could grab a dining cart. Then I start grabbing a bunch of snacks left and right and wheel it out with Steph sitting on the edge.

I wheel it right out to the back of the plane where Jennifer and Jordan are and I put on my best southern accent, "Excuse, me ma'am, but would you like a sack of nuts?"

"Um, no," Jenn replied annoyed.

"I'll take up that offering!" Jordan cried happily.

"Alright, alright!" I give him a bag of peanuts and he pours the whole thing in his mouth to the point where he had to wait a little bit to swallow them all.

With nuts still stuffed in his mouth he yelled, "Thoth are good nuth, Thonnie!" Everyone stared at him... And he kept on rambling too!

It sounded like all of his words went together, "Youknowididntthinkthiswasgonnabeallsobadandithoughtitwasgonnabeprettypeaceful...!" Nuts spilled out everywhere as he talked. I think one hit me in the face and I flinched and I tried to keep a nice smile for him so he wouldn't feel so bad.

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