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I got bored after I clashed with the table so I headed over to Donnie's apartment and asked, "Wanna go to Target and see if we can get anything for the girls for Christmas?" He agreed, and we went straight there. I know we already went to the mall the other day, but all we ended up getting was Chick-fil-a... He looked pretty bored, too so we tried to find the Christmas section. Donnie said that we should split up to cover more aisles so we could find it faster. He took the jewelry section's side and I took the opposite one.
I grabbed some Starbucks coffee while I looked for the Christmas section. Eventually, I figured out that it was on my side of store and called for him, "Hey, Donnie! I found the Christmas section-!" I stopped abruptly and just stared at him. Was he actually at the jewelry counter buying a...ring? Wait a minute... No way. Way? This is weird. Is he actually getting a ring for Stephanie?! Is she getting her a Promise ring!?
I heard him say, "Hey, yeah, do you think you could just keep it in the same box that it came in? Thank you!"
He walks off and it took him a second to notice I was standing there waiting for him. Then he starts talking to me while I'm still confused and take a sip of coffee, "So, Jordan, I've been seriously thinkin' about it and... What do you think about me...oh, I dunno...proposing?"
I spit out my coffee everywhere and start coughing since some of it still went down my throat. I said in between coughs, "You wanna...propose?" I was way off with my theory...
"Yeah. Do you not think it's a good idea?" Now he looks concerned.
I quickly snap out of it because I really think this is a no brainier for him, "No, no! I think it's a great idea! Seriously! Donnie, have I ever lied to you?"
He looks at me sarcastically. I knew that wasn't the best choice of words... He starts getting aggravated and his Boston accent got thicker, "Look, tell me the truth or else I'm gonna shove a box of cornflakes down ya troat. Jordan, this shouldn't be that hard. I just wanna know what you think about it."
I try to ignore the first part that freaked me out a little,"Donnie, honestly, I think you should go for it. You love each other a lot. I don't think she'd mind at all if you took it a step further. So, when do you wanna pop the question?"
"Well, I remember that her favorite month was January, and her favorite day of the week was Friday. But maybe not the first week since that's New Year's week. So, probably the Friday after in the afternoon."
That explains so much now! "Nice. But what're you gonna get for Christmas?"
"I think I have an idea. But the real question is, what am I gonna put in her stocking?"
Oooh! I got an idea, "To the dollah section!"
That place never disappoints. We just checked where we saw a bunch of pink and found where all of the girl-type things were.
Donnie showed me a box, "Hey you should give Jenn these."
I bluntly look at him, "These are pads."
Donnie, "Exactly!"
"I can't give her these. This isn't the brand Always."
"How do you know this?" He looked concerned for me.
"I saw a box like that lying on her bathroom floor once." I explain.
"You're creepy, Jordan."
"You're weird, Donnie."
After we checked out, I wondered what it'll be like seeing my best friends get married. I gotta tell Jennifer!
As soon as we all met up Jenn's apartment I saw Stephanie sitting at the kitchen so I whispered, "Jenn! I have to tell you something!"
"Ok, make it quick! Stephanie has some kind of exciting news to tell us!" Jenn cried.
"Well, I have some exciting news, too!" I'm so pumped to tell her at this point, I don't see anything else that could be more exciting!
I hurry up and whisper the news before Stephanie comes over and tells us, "Donnie's gonna propose to Stephanie!" Jennifer's eyes lit up and she squealed.
She whispered back, "OMIGOSH! When!?"
"The Friday after New Year's week in the afternoon."
"Oooh!" She was beaming with joy. "Alright Stephanie, what's the news you wanna tell us!?"
"Well, don't tell Donnie..." She whispered to us since he was out there somewhere bringing in the bags from Target. "But I got a job offer in London!"
"Really!?" Jenn gushed, "Wow! When do you have to leave?"
"Oh, I think it's the Friday after New Year's week at about 1:30 in the afternoon. But-"
"NOO!" Jenn and I accidentally blurt out, which made her jump and a little freaked out.
"I'm guessing this isn't a good idea, isn't it?" Steph looked a little disappointed.
Jenn tried to calm down, "We meant, uh, sweet? Anyway, uh, how long will be gone, actually? Like, a week or something?"
"About that," She starts up again, "they want me there for about two years..."
"NOOO!!" We scream back at her again, on accident. Why, out of all the times, she has to be gone that long and leave right then!? How's Donnie gonna pull this one off?
Jennifer tries again, "What we mean is, sure we'll miss you, but this is a huge opportunity. You can't miss this, Stephanie. I mean, this could be the start of your career. London might be where you need to be."
"I guess your right." She slumps and tries to smile. "I'm gonna miss everyone so much."
I add, "You're gonna have plenty of time before you leave. So, you'll have plenty of time to think about it, right?"
It seemed like she wanted to go, but at the same time she looked like she dreaded the idea of going at all.
"Just remember to not tell, Donnie. I don't wanna see him disappointed that I might be leaving. Kay?" Stephanie said, and all we could do was nod.

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