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All of a sudden, Jordan and I, are nose to nose, in a passionate glance. My heart was beating like crazy, and I was just yearning to get even closer to him... We were almost lip to lip, when STEPHANIE BUSTED THROUGH MY APARTMENT DOOR!!! I mean, come on! Jordan and I, were so close (I think I could feel his heart beating).... and this happens?! What could she possibly want in this special time, of mine, with Jordan. The one no one knows I love.

I tried to make sure she didn't suspect anything, and I really didn't want Jordan to hear any news from Steph if it had to do with us. So to be on the safe side, I told Jordy to wait in the bathroom. Poor thing. I was trying to get ready for when he came over and I didn't want to look stupid, so I piled on the hairspray. I guess it didn't air out too well...

"Uh, Stephanie," I started rambling, "I swear, that I do not, I repeat DO NOT like Jordy-an... Jordan. 'Cause like, we only talk, and I only was up against him like that on accident because I accidentally slipped on my favorite 'Teen Vogue' magazine and-"

She stopped my tangent with a sarcastic face, "I know you two like each other. I mean you guys used to be a really good couple and..." Stephanie looked down, "so did Donnie and I..." Was she keeping a secret from me? "Anyway, I didn't want to get in the middle of your kiss. I know you guys deserve it. Sorry!"

"Oh, ok. It's fine. So, then why'd you come busting in here?"

"Um, you know what? I forgot! If I remember, I'll tell you at Dunkin' Donuts! Bye!" And she scattered back to her apartment. Huh, I don't know what's gotten into Steph... Maybe something happened with her and Donnie! Meh. I doubt it. It seems like she always hates his guts.

"Jordan! You can come out now!" I called. All I see is the door open and giant puffs of hairspray. Uh-oh. I feel a tug on my pants and it's cute little Jordy at my beck-and-call! He didn't seem too happy when he crawled out of there. Poor guy...

Starbucks was pretty packed. The one we went to was two stories high and you could even sit on the roof.

I went ahead and told the cashier exactly what I wanted because I thought J would remember it from last time I ordered one with him.

"One grande caramel mocha frappe, two squirts vanilla, three ice cubes exactly, four shots honey, extra whipped cream, and a little drizzle of hot fudge on top." We both said in unison. He remembered my order.

"I figured it was still your favorite." He smiled. Then he turned to the cashier and said, "Oh, and one tall decaf coffee, please!"

I went to the bathroom to see if my hair was holding up. When I came back the cashier gave me a note: Meet me on the roof, I have your drink. -J

I went to the roof and I saw it: Jordan's gorgeous, dark poof of hair flowing in the wind with him holding our drinks and two fold out chairs. The moon looked almost as gorgeous as Jordan. Almost.

"Your drink, Madame!" He said while handing it to me which made me giggle a little as I sat down.

"Why thank you, my good man." I played along.

"To Donnie and Stephanie, in the hopes we get our best friends back together... And to us!" Jordan declared and we clinked our drinks together and sipped.

I held my drink for a sec, and said, "You know, I miss hanging out like this with you."

Jordan stopped sipping his coffee, turned to me, and grinned a cute grin. "Yeah, I know what you mean. So, uh, I wanted to get to know you a little more. 'Cause it's been a while. So what have you been into lately?" Oh muh jeets! He wants to about me!? How cute!

"Well, if you wanted to know, I've been reading 'Teen Vogue' and haven't really been with anybody else ever since we "dis-connected." If you know what I mean." I flirt. Jordy smiled at me and I thought I was gonna drop dead from the look of those soft pink lips!

"Ah, well, thanks for the info. So, did you wanna know anything about me?" I think I saw a drop of sweat go down the side of his face! Aw, he's nervous! With those big brown eyes of his, of course I wanted to know!

"Go on! I'm curious!" I put my hands into fists and put them under my chin, giving him my undivided attention.

I think his ears started getting red at this point, "Uh, well, I've been thinking a lot about..." He mumbled the last part,"you..." My eyes widened at that part. He's finally gonna say it! And now I'm starting to break a sweat myself! "And I hope we can be together again. I... I love you, annnnd the whole world!" I looked down disappointed. Really? He used to bring up "and the whole world" when he was too scared to talk about his feelings. Why can't you just tell me how you feel for real, Jordan!? Ugh! I'm tired of pretending and hiding! I just want to be with you!

I start getting frustrated. And confused. And all sorts of stupid emotions.

"Uh, Jennifer? Are you ok?" Jordan checks in on me. I looked down frustrated, staring at the creamy abyss of my frappe. I was broken hearted. How was I ok!? I feel like a piece of crud. I've waited so long for him to tell me how I feel and then he gives me an excuse!? This is bull crap.

I swipe my frappe from the cup holder of my foldout chair. Then I get up and start leaving. I stop at the door way to the stairs, and look back at Jordan (he looked at me with a puppy dog face, and all alone). It was hard to make eye contact, and I gritted my teeth angrily, "I'm fine." I stomped down the stairs with tears in my eyes.

I felt like a piece of trash crumpled up into a wad. I mean, I felt bad leaving Jordan there by himself, but how could I sit there and stare at his gorgeous face and fall in love with him all over again when he can't confront me and tell me how he feels?

Tears start trickling down my face when I start walking to my car. I chuck my frappe into the trashcan along with my heart on the way out and drive home.

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