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Crap! What did I do this time!? I'm trying to recall if I did something, but I felt like it wasn't me. Did she know about the ring? Nah, she couldn't have. Jenn's too good at keeping secrets and Jordan didn't talk to them a whole lot. Was I staring at her too much? I mean, she looked so hot today! Although, Jordan kept trying to make me snap out of it...
"Donnie! Are you alright?" Jordan said a few minutes ago.
In a trance, I replied, "Sure..."
"Donnie, I'm gonna go breakup with Jennifer and jump off a cliff."
"Oh-kay..." It was an odd trance. I couldn't stop thinking of the big day!
He came back with some water and splashed a little on my shirt. "Donnie! Snap out of it! What the heck is wrong with you!?"
I replied, "I'm sorry, it's just that...she looks amazing today."
Jordan looked at Steph and then looks at me with a disgusted face and says, "Right..."
It's just that when she ran outta the joint, she looked straight at me before she left. And when I tried to comfort her, she doesn't wanna talk to me. I'm on edge. She still cares about me, right? C'mon, this is Stephanie Banks we're talking about. We go way back about how much we were nuts about each other. She couldn't just stop now. Even if she did, what would be the reason? I gotta talk to her.
I call from the coffee house's door, "Hey, I'm gonna find, Steph! I'll be back!" And Jordan and Jennifer waved back at me. I ran to my car and sped off to the apartments. I ran down the hall and immediately find her door. I'm about to knock when I hear hysterical sobbing coming from the other side of the door. She doesn't usually sob hysterically, so I'm surprised. It's only when she feels extra stressed out or she's really depressed.
I don't even bother knocking and walk into her apartment. All of the lights were off. Even her Christmas tree lights were off. The radio was off. And then I just see big ball of blonde curled on the couch with a bunch of tears.
I quietly sit on the couch next to her. I whisper, "Hey... Do you wanna talk about whatever it is."
She got startled and sounded like a maniac, "Donnie!? What are you doing here?! Get out of my apartment!" She started getting up and opening the door.
I get up and try to give her a hug, "Stephanie, maybe if you talked to me about it-"
"Don't touch me! Just get out!" She snapped and got out of our hug. Now I felt really bad for her. This isn't like Stephanie. She always takes a hug from me. What is the deal?
She sniffed, "Donnie, just get out. I just need some time alone to think, ok?" And she closes the door on me.
What the crap just happened? I'm sure she'll just cool off by tonight. And then, not even five minutes later, I hear a knock at my own apartment door; It was Stephanie red-faced from crying. I just winced at her since I hated seeing her suffering in that position. And before I can say anything, she jumps up and embraces me extra tightly and she just feels so warm and loving. Whatever is going on inside her head, I hope she'll be able to sort it out soon. And maybe one day she'll be able to talk to me about it. But I wanna give her the best Christmas ever-stress free.

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