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"DONNIE! DONNIE, WAKE UP!" Jordan, once again, jumps on my bed and wakes me up at the crack of dawn. But this time, it was for a different reason...
I squint my eyes open since my eyes were still adjusting to the light, "What is it now, Jordan? Is there snow on the ground?"
He smiles and shakes his head, "No, silly goose! It's Valentine's Day!" Silly goose? Why? But I don't think I completely forgot overnight that it was V-Day. I mean, I was aware weeks before since I have a flippin' calendar that hangs on the back of my front door. But I guess Jordan figured I forgot. I already had a plan that I knew he'd like.
I sit up, smirk at him, and say, "Oh yeah! Happy Valentine's Day, man! So, I had an idea that we could do with the girls for this special day."
His eyes lit up like a puppy and nodded like crazy, "Oooh! What'd you have in mind?"


"Hello? Uh, yeah. Can I make reservations for four, please?" I asked a man on the phone to a really fancy restaurant. Jordan stood right next to me to the point I could feel him breathing on my neck... The little doof is too excited for the event. "Alright. Thank you very much." And I hung up the phone.
"What'd he say, Donnie?" Jordan looked at me concerned, as if I was supposed perform an operation on him.
"Looks like we've got dinner reservations to the hottest restaurant in Boston!" I grin at him.
"This is awesome! I'm gonna go call the in others to let them know what's gonna go down!" And he races out of the room. I was so excited for this! I made a sigh of happiness and romance. This wasn't just the hottest restaurant in Boston, it was also the most romantic restaurant in Boston. The place is gorgeous and a lot of people spend their anniversaries there. And later I happened to have a little surprise for Stephanie that I knew she'd love.
Everybody met in my apartment fifteen minutes later.
"Geez, Donnie. This place is a dump!" Nagged Jennifer.
"Oh relax, sure there's a few things on the ground, but I keep I tight shift compared to a couple of years ago." I grit my teeth.
Eventually, Jordan and I discuss to them about a double date at an extravagant restaurant. And the girls loved the idea.
We talked for a while about it to the point I needed to calm everyone down, "Ok, everyone shut up! It's hitting seven o'clock, so everyone better start getting ready now! Let's go!" And everyone scattered out of there like chickens in a coop.
But before Jennifer left, she gave me something that was really sentimental and flashed me back a little bit. And she told me to give it to Stephanie.

Jordan and I decided to wear matching tuxedos with red bow ties and handkerchiefs. We didn't even get to see what the girls looked like until we got there, so we were kinda nervous.
And once we got out of my car, our mouths dropped. The girls decided to wear matching little black dresses with black high heels, and their hair blowing in the wind. And man, did Steph look good. Like, really good. I almost thought I wasn't going to be able to contain myself for the rest of the night and then I realized we were about to walk inside. So, I pulled myself back together and held the door open for my fiancé.
We all got to sit in a comfortable booth together with our significant other by our side. And for a second, all we did was just smile at each other out of excitement and happiness.
Eventually, a lady took our order and as we waited for the food, we talked about us, our future, Jennifer's latest hair problems, and crazy things that Jordan and I got into when we were middle school.
We were all smiles the whole time, for once. There wasn't any fighting, just contentment and laughter. It felt good. And then Stephanie got up to go "powder her nose" for a minute while the three of us still sat at the booth. I sighed dreamily when I watched her go.
Jennifer turned her head toward me and said, "So, you're gonna give her your surprise, right?"
"Totally." I assured her, "And I'm gonna bring her to a special place to do so, too. Steph loves sentimental things! Thanks, Jenn." I smiled at her, and she beamed. (Probably because I was actually nice to her for once.)
But then Jordan started acting like a dimwit, "Ooh! What surprise? A plant? A table? A onion? A menu? A dish? A handsome Jordy?" And he smirks at Jenn who had no emotion in return.
I look at him blankly and say, "None of the above, you idiot." Stephanie finally came back before I got annoyed for the first time that night, and I figured now was a better time than any.
So, I pulled together my hidden acting skills and put them into action: "Ooh, Steph. I think there's something in my eye. Can you come with me and check in the light."
"Oh! Sure, Donnie." She said concerned.
Jordan, oblivious of what I was trying to do, got in the way of Steph and cut her off, "I'll help you, buddy!"
I grit my teeth with my hand still covering my eye and say, "Jordan, sit. Down. Now. Or else you'll be sorry." He plopped down next to Jennifer and I think I heard a puppy whimper... Whoops...
I brought Stephanie across the restaurant. And she started to get confused, "Um, Donnie. We're a little far from all of the tables and light sources..." We were near a door entrance and it was almost dark out. I still wish I could've proposed to her here, but this'll have to do. There were dim lights outside behind the curtain that made it look like we're just standing next to a window.
"Oh, well, I think my eye feels better now. I think it just jacked up my depth perception for a minute." And I yank open the curtain where double glass doors appear in front of us so you can see the outside. There were candles lit everywhere and the whole thing turned out to be a gorgeous balcony! And it showed a breath-taking view of Boston's evening scape.
Finally, after looking at the view together, she looks at me and says, "Donnie, this... this is amazing!"
"I have something for you." And I show her the picture that Jennifer took with her Polaroid of us sleeping on the couch, nuzzled together.
She gasped and cupped her hands, "Oh, Donnie!" She took the picture and looked at it. She smiled and looked at me, uncovering her mouth. She grabs the collar of my shirt with both hands and we kiss passionately. I put my hands on her face eventually, and she puts her arms on top of my shoulders.
When we sit back down, Jordan and Jennifer giggle at us. Steph and I look at each other, and then look at them.
I start with, "What's so funny?"
Jennifer says, "Um, your hair..."
I'm a little annoyed at this point, "My hair?" And Stephanie looks at me, and her big blue eyes widen. She hands me a compact mirror to check myself with. And then my eyes widen.
Ok, so maybe it looked like when I first rolled outta bed this morning. But that's not Stephanie's fault. She can't help that my hair is one of things that makes her attracted to me.
I close the mirror, and I see Jordan and Jennifer laughing a little harder. And my face starts to get a little warm, but I try to not notice.
I get a little more stern, and the Boston accent gets a little thicker, "Alright, what's it to you? 'We gonna eat or what?" And they both stop immediately, and Stephanie rolls her lips under the other to hide a smile.
I love that girl so much. Can't we get married tomorrow? Or now?

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