chapter: 22

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~Seth's pov~

We were in the car driving to Minnesota. I honestly hated driving but skylar refused to get on an airplane with Dean. Dean thought it was funny but I could tell he felt bad. Roman was doing the driving with me up front. Brielle Sat in the back with skylar and Dean. They were all whispering and skylar was giggling. I swear she's a giggle box! I thought.

I was staring out the window wondering if Dean ever broke up with summer Rae. I think they did but who knows, but he's been with skylar alot ever since the storyline began. I'll find out sooner or later but I couldn't wait so I texted him now.

To: Dean

Hey, did you break up with summer Rae? Cause you seem awfully close to skylar....

I heard dean's phone go off. Brielle and skylar started to whisper again and then my phone went off.

To: Seth

Yeah..right before we left I called. I told her that I think I'm in love with some one else and that we weren't working out. And she got pissed and asked me who and I said Skylar and she hung up.

I shook my head before answering him back.

To: Dean

Oh.Ok....So are you and sky a thing?

To: Seth

No! At least not now. But I hope so in the future....

I nodded and put my phone away, then stared out the window.

~Romans pov (a half hour later)~

I stopped at a gas station for gas. I got out and filled up the tank,paid, and got back in. I looked back and saw skylar was asleep, her head in dean's lap and her feet on Brielle." She wakes us up early then she falls asleep in the car. We should make her get up and drive." I said, getting in and shutting the door. Everyone yelled." No!" And woke skylar up." Shut the fuck up before I stuff you mouth with Seth's socks." She grumbled. Everyone was instantly quiet except Seth who was laughing.

" go back to sleep, sky." Dean whispered. Everyone was looking at him now." Trust me I am." She grumbled again before drifting back off to sleep. We all stared at Dean." What?" He asked. We.all shook our head and looked away. I started the drive again. By the time we get there. The plane will.have just landed.

After awhile, Dean fell asleep with his head against the window and his hand on sky's hip. Then Brielle was asleep with her head against the window and both her hands on sky's ankles. Skylar was asleep the same way as before. I had swapped places.with Seth cAuse I started to feel tired. I laughed at them.and looked at Seth." You know something your not telling us!" I whispered. Seth smirked and I rolled.My eyed." Yep!" I yawned as I fell.asleep myself.

~Skylars pov~

I woke up when I flew off the seat and smacked my head off something metal in the seat in front of me. " Oh my God. Skylar you ok?" I heard Seth and Brielle answer at the same time." What the fuck? Who let Dean drive?" I groaned as pain spread through my head. " Yeah total, we let Dean drive. No! Some fucking idiot pulled out in front of us and Seth had to hit the brakes so we don't crash!" Brielle yelled." Please don't yell. My head hurts so bad right now."

I got off the floor and sat on the seat. I put my hand against my head and then pulled it away and saw I was bleeding." Just great. Seth pull over at the first place with a restroom." I said. Dean and Brielle looked at me and screamed." SKYLAR YOUR HEAD IS BLEEDING!" I smacked them both across the face." I said to stop fucking yelling!" I hissed through clenched teeth. "Sorry!" They both whispered.

I rolled my eyes as Seth pulled into a cafe. I crawled over Dean and got out. Brielle followed me and we went into the restroom. Brielle got a bunch of paper towels and wetted them before handing them to me. I started wiping away the blood that started to run down my face then placed them on my head, sighing as the coolness took the edge off the pain. After a few minutes we got clean paper towels and damped them before going to the car and leaving.

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