chapter: 59

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~ Brielle pov( 6months later!)~

"Yay! We're now 8 and 1/2 months prego!" I cheered on the bus. Skylar groaned." It's not that fun! God, Dean I'm going to cut your dick off and shove it down your throat!" Skylar whined and laid her head on dean's lap." Really?" He asked." No you idiot!" Skylar grumbled." Brielle, can you do me a favor?" She asked."What?" I asked." One. Have Roman buy me Brownie batter Oreos AND a life time supply of condoms for this idiot!" She said pointing to Dean." Ok." I texted Roman what she wanted." What if I choose not to wear them?" Dean asked." Then you can't have anymore sex! Besides I honestly don't want anymore kids. It's bad enough I'll have one! And with my luck she will turn out just like me!"

Dean scoffed." Ok. And what's wrong with the baby turning out like you? I hope it turns out like you!" Dean said holding skylars hand." I can't handle another me!" Skylar said." And If you say that again I will beat you up." Dean shook his head." I'd like to see you tr- ow!" Skylar elbowed Dean right between the legs and got up. I laughed. Skylar went to the bathroom just as Roman got on the bus." Here you go." He said throwing a box of condoms at Dean." Jee, thanks." He growled.

"Roman! God I've never loved you so much! Wait did you bring my Oreos?" Skylar asked coming out and hugging Roman." Yes I did. Dean has them." Roman said before sitting beside me." Funny. She only loves me when I bring her food." He mumbled. I laughed." Well I love you!" I said giving him a quick kiss. Skylar and Dean were fighting over the bag of Brownie batter Oreos.( which by the way are extremely good with a cup of milk and peanut butter!)

"Dean! Their mine!" Skylar whined. "Skylar! You can share!" Dean whined back. I knew Dean was only teasing but skylar was getting really upset over nothing." I'm feeding for two! So give me the damn bag!" Skylar said holding out her hand." Nope!" Dean smirked." I'm going to wipe that fucking smirk off your face if you don't give me the damn bag!" Skylar growled. Dean shook his head no." Then no more sex for you mister!" Skylar said and started to walk away. Dean pulled her down gently next to him and gave her the bag." I love you." He whispered." Yeah yeah. Shut the fuck up, I love you to. And your still not getting any until a month after the baby is born." Skylar mumbled.

"But...but...I gave you the damn bag!" Dean whined. Skylar made her now infamous decision face." I'll think about it. Want an Oreo?" She asked offering the bag around." Yes!" I screamed as I grabbed one." Welcome." She yawned. Skylar mostly slept through out her pregnancy so far. She goes to the doctor today about it." You know, sometimes by the way you guys talk, I always assume it's more of a beneficial marriage." Seth said coming into the midsection of the bus." No, I really do love her. I mean look at all the past break ups we've had, I always come crawling back, not her." Dean said playing with a now sleeping skylars hair. " Oh has anyone seen Bella? I've been looking for her all day." Seth asked.

"Why?" I asked." Cause that's the only pussy he's ever going to get." Skylar mumbled. We all busted out laughing." I'm joking Seth. I love you." Skylar said getting up. She disappeared and came out a few minutes later with Bella." Watch, her legs been bothering her. The vet said she has bad arthritis in her leg and its spreading through her body." Skylar said quietly before laying down on Dean again." Well, she is getting old... before the babies are born she isn't going to be arou-" skylar cut him off." Shut up Jonathan!" God! Way to fucking make me cry!" Skylar yelled getting up and gently taking Bella from Seth before going into her bunk." All I'm saying is she isn't going to be alive when the babies are born!" Dean said. Suddenly a plate goes flying and smashes off the drivers door." You need to learn when to shut the fuck up Dean!" Skylar yelled scaring all of us.

~skylars pov~

The thought of Bella dying broke my heart. Bella was dean's gift to me and I loved her. The thought brings me stress, which isn't good for the baby. I know dean's just saying the obvious but he just needs to shut up. I cuddled up to Bella who fell asleep next to me. It was dead silent until Seth broke it." You know the thought of Bella leaving skylar brings stress to her, which isn't good for the baby." I heard Brielle agree." Seth's right Dean. Bella was a gift you got for her and it means alot to sky." Roman said quietly. I let the tears fall silently as they talked about dean's wrong doing.

Bella woke up and meowed. She started licking the tears away and stood up. She purred and rubbed her face on my cheek." I love you to." I whispered happily. " No matter what your still my baby." I whispered to her while scratching her head and rubbing her belly." I'm sorry skylar. I love you." Dean whispered. I turned to look at him." I love you to." He leaned down at kissed me but bella reached her paw out and batted dean's face." That's a sign I should go." Dean chuckled. God,I love this man

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