chapter: 51

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~brielles pov~

I woke up in Romans arms. I smiled as I rolled over carefully to look at him." Why are you staring at me?" He yawned." Cause I love you?" I giggled. He opened his eyes and smiled. He got out if bed as I sat up." So what all happen put me in here?" I asked. I know I heard Dean and skylar fighting and something or some one hit the floor." Dean and skylar." He answered simply." Did they breakup? I swear if Dean breaks my sister's heart again I'll shove this crutch up his ass!" I said swinging my feet slowly over the bed.

Roman laughed."No skylar was just being an airhead." I looked at him with menacing eyes." Watch leati, or I'll lock you in a room with her!" I smirked as he grew quiet. "I didn't think my wife had my death planned out so soon..." He whispered. I laughed as I limped my way to the bathroom to shower, which was kinda hard with sprained ankle. After my shower, I put on black baggy Nike sweatpants and a Black tank top to match. I made my way out of the bathroom and bedroom and sat on the couch, I propped my only crutch since skylar broke the other one, against the couch and called skylar.

"Really Brielle! Just have Roman knock on the fucking door!" I heard skylar yelled half into the phone half not before coming out of the room with the same outfit on as me." Creepy... stop! You started it! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" We yelled in unison. We heard the guys laughing as everyone came into the living room except Roman who was ordering room service." What's so funny?" We said in unison again. We glared at.each other.".stupid.twins." We mumbled." If you start reading my mind, I'll throw you over a bridge." I warned. Skylar gasped." I THOUGHT I WAS THE VIOLENT TWIN!" She laughed.

"We should get a tour bus instead of flying, it will be easier for Brielle." Seth said we all agreed except Dean." But I hate driving!" He grumbled. Skylar laughed." Aww honey, you won't be driving, cause we don't wanna die so soon!" She smiled sweetly. Dean leaned over and whispered something in her ear making her shiver." Fuck you." She hissed." Anytime sweetheart." He winked at her. "Guys! We're literally right here!" Seth said making skylar laugh." He's playing....hopefully. and I have a serious question." Skylar asked.

Oh God.."What?" I asked annoyed already cause I know it has to do with Dean." Are there spiders on a tour bus?" She asked tilting her head. Dean laughed." Stop Dean, I know what your doing." I growled." Skylar there can be spiders but I doubt it.".She nodded before pushing Dean off the arm of the chair he was sitting on." Oops!" Skylar giggled.

~skylars pov~

"Oops!" I giggled. Dean looked up at me." Now you can't get your surprise!" He said smirking.I shrugged." I could live with tha- what kinda surprise?" He shook his head.".not saying now. Sorry sweetheart." I gave him my best puppydog eyes." Tell me! Or give me a clue!" He looked at Brielle." Brielle what should I do?" He asked." He better tell me that's what he should do." I said crossing my arms.What could it be? A new stuffie? Nah...What could it be? I looked at Brielle who was grinning." No! Don't say it please don't!" I said. I knew what she was gonna say, and I hate not seeing we're I'm going!

"I say blindfold her, carry her to were ever the surprise is, have her take the blindfold off then give her the surprise! Also tell me what it is before you take my sister anywhere!" I crossed my arms in defeat and sat back in the chair. Dean got up and walked over to her and whispered something in her ear." Aww Dean! That's cute! But go now before we leave!" She suddenly. I was curious. Seth blindfolded me and Dean picked me up carried me away. I heard Paige yelled/laugh," were are you going with my friend ? And why is she blindfolded? NEVER MIND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" I huffed as Dean walked outside with me over his shoulder.

"Dean! Please tell me! I'm getting scared!" I panicked, trying to take the blindfold off. "Calm down, were here. Just trust me to guide you through the door!" He said grabbing my shoulders and walking me inside this door."ready?" He asked." What kind of dumb question is that? Of course I'm ready! Take this stupid thing off me!" I growled. He took off the blindfold and I squealed with delight. We were in a room full of....

A/N: OOOHHH, A CLIFFHANGER! WELL NOT MUCH OF A SUSPENSEFUL MOMENT BUT....OH WHO CARES? Anyway comment~Vote~ and read on if you like!!!

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