First Day

648 32 43

YEAR: 2026

[Dan's POV]

A few sleepless years passed and before we knew it, it was time to send Winston and Delilah off to school. It was a very hectic morning in the Howlter household. Dan and I were running all over to get the kids fed, get them ready, calm Susan down, and of course take plenty of pictures.

"Phil is Delilah's bag all packed?"
"Yes," he handed a backpack to Delilah, "here you go princess,"
"Thank you daddy," she gave him a hug and waited by the door in the lounge.
"Is Winnie's bag packed yet Dan?"
"Yes it is," I handed Winston his backpack.
"Thanks bear!"
"You're very welcome," I gave him a hug.

We walked them down to the curb where we waited for a cab to pick us up. The cab took us to the kids new school. Phil and I gave the kids one last hug and kiss before we sent them off.

"Bye guys," Phil cheered, "have fun!"
"Bye dad! We will!" The cheered back. "Bye bear!" The tackled me with hugs.
"Have fun my little articulate spawns,"
"Dan!" Phil chuckled.
"What?" I chuckled back, "have fun in school you two,"
"We will! Bye!" They got out of the cab and raced into their school.

[Winston's POV]

Delilah and I raced into the school with excitement, we immediately began trying to find our classroom.

"Who's your teacher?" Delilah asked.
"Mrs. Smith. Who's yours?"
"Miss Campbell," we continued walking through the grade 1 hallway.
"Here's my class!" I cheered. "Do you want me to help you find yours?"
"I'll be fine, bye," she smiled.
"Bye," I waved and walked into my classroom.
"Hi, what's your name?" The teacher asked me.
"Winston," I proudly smiled.
"You sit over here," she directed me to a table with 2 girls and another boy already sitting there.
"Hi," I said to the people at my table.
"Hi," they all mumbled back.
"I'm Winston,"
"Joe," the other boy said.
"Hadley," a little blonde girl said.
"Zoe," the brown haired girl mumbled.
"Is Zoe short for anything?"
"Yeah...but I don't like my name," she pouted.
"Alright kids settle down," Mrs. Smith said. "Now, we're going to introduce ourselves. I'll start," she smiled. "My name is Mrs. Smith, I've been teaching for nearly 15 years. I have 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl, they actually go to this school," she smiled. "That's all I have to say for now. Does anyone want to introduce themselves?"
"I'll go!" I raised my hand.
"Alright," she chuckled.
I stood up and walked to the front of the room.
"Hi, my name is Winston," I waved.
"Do you want to say your age or anything?"
"I'm 5, I have a sister, who's also 5,"
"So you're a twin?"
"Yeah!" I continued smiling, "We live in a nice flat with our dads and our dog Susan,"
"I'm sorry dear, did you say dads?"
"Don't you mean mum and dad?"
"No...I have 2 dads..."
"Oh," she frowned.
"What's so bad about that?" I asked.
"Everyone is suppose to have a mum and a of each...not two of each. I-Its just unnatural!"
"Not to me!" I fought.
"You may sit down Winston. Thank you for sharing," she gave me sour look.
"O-Okay," I stuttered as I walked back to me seat.
"I think it's cool that you have two dads," Hadley smiled as I sat back down.
"Yeah me too," Joe whispered.
"Me too," Zoe mumbled.

[Delilah's POV]

"Bye," I waved goodbye to my brother and walked down the hall trying to find my classroom.
"Can I help you dear?" A young lady asked me.
"Yes. I need to find Miss Campbell's classroom,"
"I'm Miss Campbell. Follow me," she smiled and directed me to her classroom. "You share a table with Tyler,"
"Okay," I whispered. "Hi," I said as I took my seat.
"Hi," he smiled, "I'm Tyler,"
"That's my uncles name," I chuckled.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Delilah but my parents call me Dil,"
"I'm not sure," I shrugged.
"Alright children, please settle down. Now how many of you know each other?" No one said anything. "Alright, I think we should all introduce ourselves. Everyone say their name and three interesting facts about themselves. I'll start. My name is Miss Campbell, this is my second year teaching, I have a dog, and I love to read. Now who wants to introduce themselves?" No one raised their hand. "Delilah, why don't you start,"
"Okay..." I stood up and faced everyone. "My name is Delilah, um...I'm a twin, uh...I have two dads, and my nickname is Dil,"
"That's very cool," Miss Campbell smiled. "Tyler would you like to go next?"

[Dan's POV]

Phil and I sat at home for most of the day, waiting to pick the kids up. When it was 2 o'clock Phil and I rushed to get a cab.

"I'm coming," he said as he ran down the stairs, "Just had to put Susan in her crate,"
"Alright, let's go," Phil grabbed my hand and we began walking to the cab.
"Fags!" We heard some teenage boys yell.
"Shut up!" Phil yelled. I took a deep breath and tried to pull out of Phil's grip. "What are you doing?" He whispered.
"I don't like people saying that stuff about me...about us,"
"You just have to ignore it Dan,"
"I've been trying to do that since I was 5," I sighed as I followed Phil into the cab. "It just gets to be a little too much sometimes you know?"
"Well you can't exactly go back to being no homo Howell," he laughed.
"I know," I pouted. "I just hope the kids had a good day at school,"

When we arrived at the school, all the pick up kids were waiting outside. Phil and I got out so we could get the kids.

"Bear!" Winston yelled as he ran into my arms.
"Daddy!" Delilah yelled as she ran into Phil's.
"Hey guys," we simultaneously said.
"How was school?" I asked.
"Fun! I made a new friend!" Delilah cheered.
"That's wonderful!" Phil said, "what's their name?"
"Tyler! Like uncle Tyler! Except he didn't have funny hair. He had glasses though!"
"That's so cool!" Phil signed Delilah and Winston out; we could now leave. "What about you Winnie? How was your day?"
"I don't like my teacher," he frowned.
"Why not?"
"She says that I should have a mummy and a daddy. Not two daddies, but I told her she was wrong,"
"As well you should," Phil proudly said.
"Excuse me! Mr. and...Mr. Howlter!" A teacher called as we headed towards the cab.
"Yes? How may we help you?" I asked.
"I'm Miss Campbell, Dil's teacher. I just wanted to say I think it's amazing that you guys adopted them. My fiancé and I want to do the same thing and I was wondering what you guys did,"
"Well, we found a surrogate then nine months later here they were," I awkwardly smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you guys want a surrogate or want to adopt. A-Are you guys not able to...y'know..."
"Well, when we're both of the sane gender it's pretty difficult,"
"Oh! You're-"
"I'm sorry, that was so rude of me,"
"No, no, it's quite alright," she smiled. "See you tomorrow Dil,"
"Bye Miss Campbell," Delilah waved as we all got into the cab. "Bear,"
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"What's a sur-o-gat?" She tried sounding out the word.
Phil and I looked to each other with slight panic and fear in our eyes.
"We'll tell you when you're older."

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