I Can't Do This

237 17 4

YEAR: 2052

[Jenny's POV]

"I-I'm sorry?" I stuttered.
"I'd like to offer you a job," he smiled.
"O-Okay, please hold," I said as I hit the hold button. "Are there any conference rooms open?" I asked the nurse.
"Uh, hold on," she mumbled, flipping through a book. "Yeah, two is open,"
"Can you transfer the call to conference room two, then?"
"You do realize I'm a nurse, not a receptionist, right?" she snarled.
"Just, ugh, please," I whined.
"Fine," she sighed. "The only reason I'm doing this is cause I don't wanna face the wrath of the angry, pregnant lady again,"
"Thanks, you're the best," I smiled as I headed upstairs to the conference room.

Once I got into the empty room, I closed and locked the door behind me. I paced back and forth for a minute of two before finally sitting down. I pulled out a pen and paper as I pressed line one; I held the phone up to my ear and let out a sigh.

"Dr. Williams are you still there?" I asked.
"Yes, I am. And, you can call me David, if you want,"
"Okay... Anyway, what kind of job are you offering?"
"Well, we read that you are currently an attending with an average pay. Am I correct?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, I have been very impressed with everything I've read about you and my offer is, if you come to work at Massachusetts General Hospital, you will receive a massive premonition,"
"Okay," I mumbled.
"You will be promoted to Chief of General Pediatric Surgery, your pay will increase to $700,000, or £550,000 to you,"
"That's a £350,000 pay raise!" I exclaimed. "A-And I'd be chief?"
"That is correct. And, by being chief, you'd get your own office, an assistant, you'd get to choose your own hours, and pick your own staff,"
"That's all amazing but-"
"But what?"
"There is a lot I have to take into account,"
"Like what?"
"Well, I have a family, sir. I have a nine year old, a thirteen year old, and I have a baby on the way,"
"When do your kids get out of school?"
"When is your baby due?"
"If you accept the job, you'll start in August. How does that sound?"
"Wonderful but, my husband would be unemployed,"
"What does he do?"
"He's a lawyer,"
"What does he practice?"
"I'm sorry?"
"His practice? Environment? Corporate? Domestic? Divorce? What?"
"Oh, domestic, I guess,"
"What's his name?"
"Okay, I'll call a few law firms and see if they'd be interested,"
"Why are you trying so hard to hire me?"
"Why? Because we really want you, Jennifer. Out of everyone we've researched, you've saved the most patients, you seem to be the kindest, and you just seem like the best person for the job,"
"Okay... I have to talk to my husband about what we're going to do and what would be best,"
"I understand,"
"When do you need an answer?"
"Take your time. We will not contact anyone else until we get a definite answer from you. Okay?"
"Would you like my number so you can call me back?"
"Yes, please,"
"Okay, do you have a pen and paper?"
"Okay. 774-380-1044. Got that?"
"Yes, sir,"
"Terrific. Can't wait to hear back from you,"
"Thank you for calling. Have a good day,"
"You too, Dr. Howlter."

And with that, I pressed hung up. I paced back and forth a few more times before I worked up the courage to tell Winston. I collected my papers and slowly walked back to Winston's hospital room to tell him the news.

"I'm back," I smiled. "Did you guys behave?" I asked the kids.
"Yeah," they mumbled.
"Are you okay? You seem a little off," Winston observed.
"Oh, yeah," I mumbled. "A doctor from America called me,"
"Okay... And?"
"He offered me a job," I pursed my lips.
"What kind of job?"
"I would be chief of general in peds and I'd get a huge pay raise,"
"How huge?"
"£550,000 would be my starting salary,"
"Oh my god... How much is that in America?"
"That's insane!"
"I know," I huffed. "I don't know what to do," I pouted.
"You should take it," he said. "It's an amazing opportunity,"
"But you're working on becoming partner and-"
"Yes, but I will never make £550,000 a year! This is terrific for us and the kids,"
"We'd have no family over there..."
"Lydia's grandparents live in America,"
"Yeah... My offer is in Boston..."
"Oh... I still think you should take it,"
"What do you kids think?" I asked, sitting on the edge of Winston's bed.
"I think you should do it, mum," Charlie said. "Don't you think mum should do it, Lyd?"
"Yeah! America seems cool!"
"But we'd have to move, far, far away from everyone,"
"We'd have enough money to fly back," Winston said. "Why don't you want to do this?"
"I-I do..."
"No, you don't. Which is fine, love. You do what you think is best for you,"
"Winston, I'm not in the right mind to make decisions! I am a hormonal mess that should not be trusted with life altering choices,"
"Well, no matter what decision you make, I'll support you,"
"Thank you, darling," I sighed.
"When do they have to hear an answer?"
"Whenever... I'm their top pick, and they want to hear my answer before they contact anyone else," I said. "I'm gonna do it," I whispered.

I took out my phone, and my notepad, and started dialing Dr. Williams. The phone rang a few times before he picked up.

"Hello, Dr. David Williams speaking. How may I help you?"
"Hi, Dr. Williams, it's Dr. Howlter. We spoke a few minutes ago,"
"Ah, yes, of course. How are you, dear?"
"I'm well, thank you. I was calling because..." I trailed off.

I can't do it.

"Because..." Dr. Williams chuckled.

Without saying another word, I muted my phone and set t down on Winston's bedside table. He cocked his head to the side and started rubbing my back.

"Are you okay?"
"No," I shook my head. "No, I can't do it... I can't do this, Winston," I cried.
"Yes, you can," he cooed, pulling me into a hug. "You are a very good doctor; you deserve an offer like this,"
"I just can't do it," I sobbed into his shoulder.
"Why not?"
"I can't leave everyone,"
"Honey, the family would want you to do this,"
"It's not the family," I pouted, wiping my nose. "I've been treating handfuls of kids since they were babies. They love me, their parents love me; they all trust me. I can't just abandon them,"
"Honey, they'd understand," he smiled, wiping my eyes. "Where's your pager?"
"In my pocket..."
"May I see it?"
"Okay..." I whispered, handing it to him.
"Thank you," he kissed my cheek.
"Who are you paging?"
"Your boss," he said.
"Because, you need someone else to tell you that you can do it,"
"She'd just try and convince me to stay,"
"I bet she won't," he said. "Trust me on this, please,"
"Fine," I moped.

He quickly pressed a few buttons before he set my pager down. Once the pagers light died, Winston picked my phone up, unmuted it, and started talking.

"Hello, this is Winston, Jennifer's husband, and-"
"Oh, yes! I wanted to talk to you actually!"
"I pulled a few strings and managed to get you an interview with the partners at Goodwin Procter,"
"You're joking..." Winston's face lit up. "That's the most successful law firm in New England!"
"I know," he smirked. "If your wife accepts the job, you'd have an interview with them on May sixteen, of next year," he explained. "Speaking of your wife, has she come to a decision yet?"
"Um, I'm actually gonna put you back on hold, for a few more minutes, and when Jennifer comes back, she'll have an answer for you,"
"Okay," he smiled.

And with that, Winston hit mute again. He set the phone back on the table and held me as I weeped. As I cried into my hands, the kids came over and sat down next to me, to comfort me. They rubbed my back, hugged me, and told me that everything was going to be okay. A couple minutes later, my boss, the chief of pediatric surgery, walked in.

"I'm very busy, what seems to be the..." She stopped in her tracks. "What's going on here?"
"Mum is sad," Lydia said.
"Why is your mum sad?" My boss, Chief Abigail Shaw, asked.
"She got offered a job in America," Charlie said.
"Oh? She did?"
"Yeah, it's a really good job too," he mumbled.
"Do you know what it is?"
"Chief of something, I dunno,"
"You'd be the the chief of general peds?" she gasped. "Jen, that's wonderful! Why are you upset by that?"
"She doesn't wanna move," Lydia said.
"Jen, listen to me," Chief Shaw said. "I want you to take that job,"
"No buts," she strictly said. "You're most likely never going to get an offer like this again. Do you hear me? You're thirty-three, and about to become chief! That's huge!"
"Shut up," she said. "If you stay here, and wait around for me to die, you're not gonna become chief until you're like fifty,"
"I'm still talking," she scowled. "I'm gonna tell you a little story. When I was in my late forties, I was offered a job in France to become chief of surgery; not just peds. I started freaking out and pondering on about what I was going to do. I ultimately turned the offer down and look where I am now. A sixty-seven year old woman who was just promoted to Chief of peds eight years ago. You see where I'm going with this?"
"Honey, if you wait around, and turn the offer down, you'd be practically ruining your life. You'll also spend your entire life thinking about the what ifs. So please, I beg of you, go to America, and take the job,"
"Okay..." I whispered. I leaned forward and gave her a tight hug; she cracked a smile and hugged me back. "Thank you," I said.
"Anytime," she replied. "Now," she said, handing me my phone. "You have a job to accept,"

She placed the cell phone in my trembling hands; all I did was stare at it. I shakily pressed to mute button, so he'd be unmuted, and clear my throat. I lightly pressed the phone to my ear and let out a weary sigh.

"Hi, Dr. Williams,"
"Yes, Dr. Howlter?"
"I'd like to thank you for the very generous offer but-"
"You're declining..."
"What? No! I'll see you in August."

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