Jake Gyllenhaal

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Your a famous actress and you just did a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal. So Ellen wanted to do an interview. So you do it and she stars asking questions about Jake and you.

Ellen: y/n its great to have you on the show.

Y/n: glad to be here Ellen

Ellen: your new movie with Jake Gyllenhaal is amazing. How did it feel to work with such a talented man?

Y/n: it was great we had a lot of fun working with him he so nice and like you said he's very talented. He this very funny. Always ready for anything.

Ellen: you know I got to ask you y/n. The kiss scene you and Jake have. It was so cute.

Crowd starts cheering.

Ellen: how about be show that clip.

*starting clip*
Jakes character: Jack
Your character: Maddie

Jack: I don't want him near you.

Maddie: and why not?

Jack: I just don't like him near you. Maddie will you leave him alone. He's no good for you.

Maddie: and how would you know what's good for me and not.

Jack: * bits lip* I can show you.

Y/n: stop with that face. It's to much cuteness.

Jack: really * pulls you by your hips gently* Maddie you know you want to say it.

Maddie: say what?

Jack: you like me.

Maddie: your right.

Jack brings his lips to your and pulls you closer to there is no more room left between you both.

*clip ends*

Crowd cheering

Ellen: that was a brilliant performance. So how was the kiss?

Y/n: I'm not going to lie to you it was the best kiss I ever had in my whole entire life.

Ellen: will we be seeing more off you guys off camera.

Y/n: I'm not going to say yes but its not a no.

Ellen: aww come on don't hold back on us.

Y/n: you just going to have to wait and see.

Ellen: well I will. But in till then. Thank you y/n for coming on the show.

Y/n: you are welcome.

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