Hi! Im not dead or giving up Wattpad

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Hey guys I know this is a shocker to see something up from me I can't even remember the last time I even open Wattpad. First I would like to give you a major apology and thank you because you guys deserve both for reading my story's even though they suck, and a sorry for being away so long but I have good but dumb reason why I was gone. So as a lot of you guys know my granddad die July 4th Of last year but along with his death and it's still pretty hard on me but Im pretty chill about it. Oh and  I'm now in this performing arts program at my school that takes a lot of time from me and I get out later than the rest of my school. Oh and over the summer my lovely phone decided it hated being my phone so it just went crazy on me and I had to get a new one but that's another story for another night. Oh and over the summer my parents wanted more  family interaction during our vacation so I couldn't do much.

BUT... don't worry through out this time I've come up with ideas and new stories. That I will start working on tomorrow because tonight I'm tired.

Oh and while I'm here do you guys want to see books from me or should I just stick with the doing imagines right now?

That's all I have to say for tonight at least I love you guys and Thank you bearing with me❤️

P. S.
There are probably a lot of errors and stuff because it's currently 12 am and I  just finished homework so yeahhhhhhh goood night or morning whatever ✌🏽

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