Sam Claflin

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You and Sam were both actors and married but when you got pregnant with you first child Sam wanted you to take a break from acting till the baby was born so for the time being you were a house wife. You didn't mind it really because you were having a little vacation sorta. But if was different for Sam he was at press conferences, signings, and interviews. He was never really home so much. But After the movies release and a few events after that everything had settled down. But Sam still really wasn't home after everything was done and you really started to get worried because he had missed 2 appointments and you were getting an ultrasound today. You were getting a little pissed off at him because every time he is never home.

You woke up the day of you ultrasound and he was actually in the bed with you. You turn around which makes the bed move and slightly waking him up. Sam opens his eyes a little bit and sighs a little. He puts his arm around you and kisses your forehead.

"Good morning my beautiful wife" He say with a sleeply smile on his face.

"Good morning" you say dryly and you get up and go to the bathroom to go take a bath. While you were taking your clothes off you feel Sam come behind you and starts to help you take your clothes off. You show no emotion when you say "Thank you" and you start to turn the water on and Sam stops you.

"Sweet heart I've got it" he says kiss your cheek again.

You have to response to him and you look at him.
He truns the water to the perfect temperature and helps you get in. He smiles at you and starts to complemented you on everything from you hair to your pregnant belly. You didn't say a word to him because you were pissed off still.

"Y/n.... y/n will you talk me."

You wouldn't say a word to him you sat in silence and washed yourself and after you were done you stood up letting the water drip down from your body as you start to step out the tub but you were having trouble trying not to fall but Sam grabs your hand and helps you out.

You say "Thank you" as wrap the towel around. And walk out. And while you start to walk out Sam grabs your arm gently and pulls you back. And says "Y/n I know your mad at me, I don't know why but I'm sorry"

"You don't mean it if you don't know" you say as you pull you arm away slowly away from him. You dry yourself off and put on a bra and panties. You picking a dress to put on and you Sam comes behind you and kisses you neck and wraps his arms around your waist and under your belly.

"Will you stop, I'm trying to get ready." You say trying to sound calm.

"I'm trying to make things right with my wife. We need to talk, yes I was gone for a while but you know why Y/n." He says a little aggravated.

"I'm not mad about You being gone for work I'm mad that you've been gone for more than just what you were supposed to be." You pull your arms away and cross them.

"Look I'm sorry I had some unexpected things pop up" he says it as if he was hinting at you.

You give him a confused face "What are you talking about?... Did you cheat on me?"

Sam gives you the same you gave him "Look Y/n I'm not sure if it's your hormones or have you gone completely mad. Why would I cheat on you, I love you." You look him in the eyes and you can tell he ment it

You sigh and look down at you feet or your toes because your belly was starting to cover the your sight of your full foot. "I'm sorry youve been gone and I can't help but worry"

Sam lifts your head with his index finger and thumb "Baby I would never do that. I love you didn't I marry you and made a child that's on the way. Dosen't that tell you that I love you?"

You Look at him in his eyes and surprises you with a kiss.

'Do you forgive me" he says making a puppy dog eyes at you.

"I guess" you say rolling your eyes and kissing him again.

Guys don't worry I'm still getting everything together and instead of making a whole another page for your stories I'm just going to go back and change it from"Preview" to the whole story. I would have had it done by this weekend but it was my birthday on Friday. So yeah but love you guys and I'll be back

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