Ethan Dolan

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You and Ethan are best friends who have a YouTube couple but lately you guys have been fighting lately about a lot different things including friends. Ethan wasn't to happy to hear you met up with your older fling Shawn Mendez and brings it up every time you guys argue. This time he was upset with you because you sent out and didn't tell him were you were going.

You had walked into your shared apartment around 4:00 am because you went to this party with your friends and then got something to eat and you dropped everyone off so kinda just wanted to get home and go to bed but when you walk in there Ethan sleeping on the couch. You notice an tried to say quite shutting the door softly but he must have been half awake or something because he jumped right and yelled "A-ha" pointing at you as if he caught you in the act of doing something wrong.

"What?" You look at him confused. He walks up to you crossing his arms "Where have you been?" He questions. "Out with my friends like I told you..." you face showing all of your confusion. "Interesting, because when you told me you were going out you never said where like a club full of guys... actually a specific boy by the name of SHAWN MENDEZ."

You roll your eyes listing to Ethan talk crazy yes Shawn was there and you talked and stuff but if wasn't anything crazy or romantic you guys just had a normal conversation but Ethan didn't see it that way.

"Why does this matter Ethan?" You look at you walking away I'm heading for the kitchen. "Because.... ummm... anything could have happened to you!" He raises his voice a little and you can tell he was worried.

You let a sigh and turn to him "Ethan I was fine but thank you for worrying about me" You look at you but you tell he wanted to say something but he sat there letting a small sigh out. He leans against the kitchen island looking at you "Y/n I don't just worry for you... I love you" Ethan looks at you in your eyes and stare right back as if your under some kind of trans with him. He walk around the island grabbing your right hand "I hate seeing you with other guys why do you think I get upset when I hear about Shawn and you"

You look at Ethan lost for words you always had this deep companionship and love for Ethan but you would tell yourself it would never be. So to hear him say the words you always wanted to say had you in shock and contemplating if you had slipped into a dream.

Ethan grabs yours left hand pulling you close "Y/n... say something please." He looks at you pleading with his eyes for an answer and you say in a soft innocent tone "I love you too" you wait for Ethan's response but it never came in the words. He pulled you in for a sweet softly kiss that felt like fireworks to both of you. And after a few moments he let go but hesitantly.

You both look at each other surprised about confessing your feeling about each other and the passionate that came after. You say softly "Wow" and Ethan shakes his head smiling. "I don't wow sums that up" 

You let out a small giggle looking down. But Ethan takes his finger and places it under your chin and moving your head so that it's parallel to his and he kisses you again.

"I don't want him no where near you anymore. Your my girl and no one else's" He smiles. You nod hugging him and he smiles to himself feeling accomplished.

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