Timothee Chalamet

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"You had me at hello.. hello"

You sing to yourself doing your make up at your small table in your apartment. You were getting ready for to go out with your friends. Continue to sing.

"It was many years ago... baby you stole my cool"

You bob your head to the smooth melody of the song. As you continue your make up you here a knock at you door. Assuming it's your friends you don't leave them hanging going to the door.

I turn the nob to open it and began to speak "you guys are early don't you thi- oh hey Tim" you smile.

It was your neighbor timothee. He smiles back "Hey there where are you going?" He ask walking in the door and leaning against the couch.

"Going out with my friends." You smile at him. You had a little crush on him but you didn't want him to know that. You thought you would never have a chance with him.

"That cool, your dress looks nice." He says looking your body up and down.

"Oh thanks" you smile running your hands down the dress, you don't think it's to much?" You question looking at the dress. In the mirror behind him on the other side of the room. Then you frown thinking you don't look good in it. (But you know you do girl)

"No not at all, it's I was boyfriend would say that you don't need to change anything but your last name and that frown on your face."

You laugh. Looking down trying not to show your smile. "Thank you" you say to him trying to change the subject quickly you look around then ask him he most obvious question. "So what brought you over here today?"

"Oh yeah I wanted to ask you something." He says walking toward you.

"What is it?" You ask waiting for him finally spit it out.

"I see you doing something tonight but I would love to take you out on a date... if you don't mind"

You smiles "I wouldn't mind that at all". You look at him and you see this bright smile on his face .

"How about tomorrow... tomorrow night good...yes?" He says sounding a little overwhelmed that you said yes.

"Yeah that's fine I'll see you then?" You laugh at his reaction.

"Yeah.. yeah I'll see you tomorrow." He smiles walking toward the door.

"Bye Tim"

"Bye Y/n"

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