Grant Gustin

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You and Grant have been together for eight years now and Hollywood was waiting for something to happen between you two some movie deal gone wrong, relationship problems, cheating rumors something. And because Hollywood got tried of waiting so they decide to make up one there selfs on TMZ they posted a picture of you and Stephen Amell what looked to be you and him kiss and getting all touchy-feely with the caption saying "Y/n cheating on Grant Gustin with close friend Stephen Amell!!!!" And another saying that you pregnant with Stephens baby and that you were leaving Grant for him as he was doing the same for his wife.

You weren't aware of the rumors till you came home and found Grant in the living room looking at TV on pause. You notice that tv's glow from down the hall but there was no sound. You walk in living room and notice Grant just looking at the Tv with a blank expression. 

You softly whisper his name "Grant?"

"What?" He answers back.

You walking toward him and place your hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" You ask

"What do you think?" He moves his body making your hand slid off his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" You ask

"What's with you and Stephen?" He asks quickly.

"Nothing, why" he ask

"Then what's all this" he start to show you clips from different gossip shows talking about you and Stephen.

"And you believe them?" You ask

"Should I?" He answers back sharply

Don't worry I'm going to post another part but I'm extremely tried right now but please vote, comment and follow me and I will try to do better than ever other month I know what y'all are think "😒 She always saying going do better" but I'm trying it hasn't been half a year since I updated so I'm trying. But I love you guy 😘❤️

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