Sebastian Stan

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You and Sebastian had gone public with your relationship a few months ago. And now that everyone knew so did the paparazzi. You and Stan decided to go on a date night since you where both on going to be in New York at the same time. Stan was in town for Captain America: Civil War. You where there for a fashion show. So you guys took a plane together. But had to stay a different hotels. Because of where you are both going. So that night Stan got off set early. And you had finished rehearsal for the day. So he called you and said "Be ready by 7:30 I'm coming pick you up where something bule. Love you beautiful." Then hangs up the phone. You found that really weired that he didn't try to have a conversation with you today. But you followed his direction and put on some blue jeans and a Winter Soldier shirt. (Because you have to support). Your but on some flats and walk out your hotel room. On your way down Stan calls you and tells you he coming to get you and that he's on the elevator. So you wait for him at you door. He was wearing a white and blue shirt with some jeans. You wonder why he was doing this. But you went along with it. Soon as you guys got to the front of the hotel. There where about 6 people with cameras waiting to snap a picture of you guys. So Stan took his jacket and put it over your face so on one could see you and he cover his face with his hands. And you did the usally running to car to avoid
Answering questions. You and Stan make it to car and you both are put of breath. Then Stan lets out a chuckle.

Y/n: Whats?

Stan: Look so beautiful tonight.

You kiss he's cheek and he puts his hand on you thigh as he starts driving. You guys talk the whole time going to the restaurant. When you get to there Stan opens the door for you and you guys have a private section. You set down order you drinks and food and enjoy each others company. Then Stan asked a surprising question.

Stan: So its a boy?

Y/n: What?

Stan: Why didn't you tell me?

Y/n: Tell you what Stan?

Stan: Your pregnant.

Y/n: Come again?

Stan pulls out paper work for your pregnancy.

Stan: Sweetheart would you like to explain?

Y/n: Do I have a choice?

Stan: No

Y/n: Fine of yes in pregnant.

Stan: And.

Y/n: And what?

Stan: And why you didn't tell the farther of our child?

Y/n: I was scared. I was going to wait to tell you in my second trimester to tell you.

Stan: Y/n why wait so long?

Y/n: So I could stop from getting an abortion.

Stan: Why would you need that?

Y/n: Well what if you didn't want to keep the baby it would be to late.

Stan: Why would I not want to keep the baby?

Y/n: I don't known. I do have fears you know.

Stan: Y/n I will love you and are baby boy.

Y/n: Um baby boys.

Stan: What do you mean by 'baby boys'.

Y/n: There twins.

Stan: Wait were having t-t-twins?

Y/n: Yep.

Stan just had a blank stare. You tried to snap him put of it but you couldn't. The rest of the was about the baby's and doctor visits and everything else.

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