Cameron Dallas

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You can Cameron have been dating for about a few years now. You and Cameron are both models and lately both have been doing a lot of projects and haven't really seen each other because of them. But today Cameron was picking you up from the airport and you after finishing a fashion show in Paris. After your plane lands you get off and pick your bags up having someone carry them and you make your way excited to see Cam. As you walk out to the night and cameras flash in your face you were wearing a simple comfortable outfit which was this:

As you walk toward Cam's car where he is waiting inside till he sees you walking and he jumps out of the car to embrace you

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As you walk toward Cam's car where he is waiting inside till he sees you walking and he jumps out of the car to embrace you. "Hey cutie" He says to you wrapping his arms around your waist and you hug him around the neck.

"Hey babe" you say back as the guard puts your luggage in the trunk of his car and shits it.

You tell the guard thank you and get in the car with Cameron. He opened the door for you and closes it before getting in on his side and driving off. He smiles at you and kisses your cheek. "I saw those pictures of the runway you looked amazing I which I was there with you."

You smile "Babe I know you would if you could but I know how busy you are. Besides me, how did the photo shoot go?"

"Oh it was great" he smiles. "Want food?" He asks

You nod happily "Yes!" You yell.

He laughs "Okay, where?"

You think for a minute and shrug.

Cameron sighs "Chipotle it is"

You smile and laugh a little knowing that's the place he takes you when you don't know what you want.

After you guys go to chipotle and get some food. You end up going to his house because you were to tired to go home and you missed him.

You guys said on the couch and cuddle eating chipotle after finishing he puts on your favorite movie as you start to fall asleep in his arms.

After you fell asleep Cameron takes you upstairs and lays you down kissing your forehead and laying with you.

The next morning you get a text from your manager asking if Cam, you and his manager could sit down and talk and agreed to. Wondering if it's about doing a project together and you start to get excited. You finally get up later and take a shower changing your clothes to just simple sweat pants and tank top. You find Cameron cooking breakfast shirtless and singing to Shawn Mendes.

He sees you coming downstairs and smiles "Good morning princess" you walk up to him and he kisses you.

"Oh pancakes I love pancakes" Cam kisses your cheek "I know"

He makes a plate on the couch able for you and makes one for himself.  You two sit and talk for a while till you hear a knock on the door and you go answer it.

It's your manger and Cam's standing there. While Cam's was in a casual outfit yours was in a formal suit.

"Hey come in I didn't know you guys would be here this early"

Your manger looks at you and says "Y/n it's 1 in the afternoon."

You look at him and shrug  "oh"

You walk over to the couch where Came is sitting and the mangers join you guys facing you to.

"So what is this about?" Cameron asks

"Yeah so if you guys have t notice everyone is taking about you two" Cameron's manger says.

You both nod smiling at each other. "Yeah, so?"

The Cam's manger continues "And with is relationship many people are either upset about it or hate it."

You answer "We're aware."

"What are you getting at here?"

Your mangers sigh and look at each other then to you two. Your manger starts to talk "We think.... we think you two should break u-"

"No" Cameron looks at him and holds you.

"We're not going to do this"  you join in his protest.

"Guys you're brand is hurting thinks to this relationship." Your manger says.

"You only say that's because you hate us together" you cross you arms.

"Y/n I would love to see you happy but people won't even give you certain jobs because they think the he will get in the way of them."

"Cam has nothing to do with the jobs I do."

"But he does" Cam's manger speaks. "Because of this relationship they won't let Cameron perform at any fashion event your at because they believe you two will distract each other"

"Then they should test it out." You say

"They did with that music video for chain smokers"

You roll your eyes "Will you let it go all we were doing was kissing."

"And you forget about the whole video shoot"

You and Cameron argue with the mangers about your relationship but after an hour they see that no one was going to give up so the mangers got up leaving you to with this.

"Have your decision made by tomorrow or will have to put this in our now hands. Besides you hardly see each other anyway." You and came look at each other as they leave.

You sit in silence. You both knew you were think about what you mangers said. The only problem is who is going to say the first words to each other.

Part 2?

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