So let me explain myself

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Most of y'all probably won't care to read. Basically I'm just naming off reason why I've disappeared again. It happens a lot.

Look I known y'all use to me being gone for like 10 months then I come back with something. But in my defense it's been a fucking eventful year.

1. I graduate high school.
  CONGRATS TO CLASS OF  2019 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

2.Back in October I turned 18 and My first niece was born.
One of the things I was so excited for was getting a       niece and I love her to death. Oh and I became a adult apparently (I'm really not tho)

3. This school year was devoted to a AP class
I took Advanced Placement Literature . My advice is a class like that is available for you and you like to read and analyze and write essays do it. If you're like me you'll make it but struggle because your too lazy to care.

4. I have a bunch of books and imagines just laying waiting to be written but I have a lot of part 2's I haven't done  and I just don't know when I should do them.

5.And the most Important reason why I've been gone is...
I joined the military.
No I haven't left for boot camp yet that's not till October.

I've honestly just had a lot happing this year and my school is a whole another problem.

But I'm trying guys I'm just everywhere at the moment.

Love y'all so much ❤️ coming back sooner or later whichever comes first 🤷🏽‍♀️


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