Justin Bieber

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You had been married to Justin for 3 happy years till he started going out more and spending less time with you. And after a couple of months of his constant partying you started noticing he was acting different. He would come in late at night and immediately take a shower before saying one word to you, if he had a text message he would hide his phone then answer it, and he would walk out the room when someone called him. You knew that there was a very high chance that he could be cheating on you but you didn't want to think like that. But after about 5 months of only going to the studio and partying but never spending time with you, you had to confront him about his behavior. You waited up for him one night and of course he didn't come home till 3am drunk and halfway passed out. You assumed that Kahlil or Za dropped him off. Before he started making his way up the steps he notice that none of the lights where on upstairs and started to yell your name. After the second or third time he called your name, you answered "In the kitchen!" And waited for him to enter. You where sitting at the island and you watched as he stumbled in to the kitchen looking for you. He see's you sitting at the kitchen island and proceeds to walk toward you. He pulls out the seat and sits down beside you and watches you as you play with wedding ring you have on your finger. Justin notices and looks at you with confusion. "What's wrong babe?" He asks you with a worried tone. You take a deep breath in let it out slowly. You close your eyes trying to hold back tears. Justin grabs your hand which makes you look up at him. He had that same look of confusion still on his face as you try to hold back tears before asking him a simple question, "Do you love me?" Justin looks at you I'm shock wondering where you would get a question like that. He answers "Yes... why wouldn't I love the women I married." He sound a little frustrated with the question you asked. Before you could get you next sentence out he started another. "Y/n what is this about? Why are you even up? Look your tried you need to go to bed and I have to get to the studio tomorrow so I think we both need to get some rest." You weren't going to back down out of this one any other time you would have probably listen to him. But not this time you wanted answers to why he hasn't been home and hiding things from you. He gets up and grabs your hand trying to pull you with you. But you pull your hand back and he stumbled a little. You started to get upset with him and then you notice that there is a lip stick mark on his shirt. Justin must have not notice it because he would have probably tried to hid it or something. Seeing that made you more enrage so you start to yell at him in the moment. "WHAT HELL JUSTIN, YOU HAVE ANOTHER GIRLS FUCKING MAKEUP ON YOUR SHIRT. WHAT TGE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? ARE YOU EVEN FAITHFUL ANYMORE, OR DO YOU JUST DO WHAT YOU PLEASE THEN COME BACK TO THE WOMEN YOU SO CALL 'LOVE' YOU KNOW I HATE YOU." You let the tears you were hold back run out your eyes as you let all your anger out. Justin couldn't do anything but sit there and watch you yell. He was shocked that you would yell at him because you've never done that. After you finish with those last words "I hate you" Justin couldn't hold back tears either. He walks up to you and trys to hug you but you push him away. He looks at you with hurt in his eyes "I'm sorry Y/n, I promise I won't do it again it was one time thing". You response by saying "One time to many." Justin hugs you tight and you try to push away, but he's to strong. He holds on to you and dosen't let go. You start to hit him with as much force as you could but it wasn't working. Justin pushes you against the kitchen counter and begins to kiss you, but you don't kiss back your still trying to fight him. But with one hand he grabs both of your wrists and bound them together over top of your head. So you start to kick but it doesn't stop him. He kisses you harder but you still won't kiss back. When you finally get free you push him away and he starts to laugh. "Babe what's wrong?" You look at him like he's crazy "What do you mean what's wrong. I'm going to tell you what's wrong I can smell her on you, your drunk and you think that it's funny Jay." Justin starts toward you again and he holds out his hand, he has a big smirk on his face and he starts to laugh"Okay I'm sorry, I'm not being a gentleman about this fine. Come on Y/n I'll take you up stairs get you mood." You laugh a little bit thinking about how stupid he sounds. You walk pass him and walk all the way to the beginning of the steps. He followed behind you think you were just going to go up with him. You turn around and start to laugh a little. " You know what's more funnier than you being drunk?" You look at Justin who think your making a joke or something he has a smile on his face "What princess?" You trun to walk up the stairs and say "Divorce papers" the smile he had on his face drop instantly as he followed you up the steps. "What do you mean divorce?" He asked. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, and did you really think I was going to let you sleep in the same bed as me tonight. There are enough guess rooms pick one." You say before shutting and locking the door to your shared room.

Part 2?

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