Chris Evans

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Chris: Hi Evans, Chris Evans.

Y/n: Did you just try a James Bond on me.

Chris: Maybe.

Y/n: Well it works for you.

Chris: Thank you. So may I ask what your name is beautiful.

Y/n: Y/F/N Y/L/N

Chris: Lovely name.

Y/n: Thanks.

Chris: This is kinda weird to ask a girl I just met less than 3 minutes ago. But you would like to go on a date with me.

Y/n: Well it is pretty weird to ask. But who would pass up an opportunity to have lunch with one if there favorite actors.

Chris: Wait you like my movies. Which is your favorite? Wait let me guess Captain America.

Y/n: Well yea who doesn't like your movies. And even though I like comic books. No it's The Losers.

Chris: So you like geeky buffy guys.

Y/n: Ha ha you are so funny. No but I do like your performance it was great.

Chris: Well lets get to the restaurant. * opens the door for you* Milady.

Y/n: What a gentlemen.

Chris lets out a giggle.

At the restaurant.

Chris: ha-ha ha-ha wait that really happens to you?

Y/n: yea like someone really ask if I was black because in a little lighter than " black skins" is supposed to look like.

Chris: Well I like your skin.

Y/n: Thanks I never saw that coming from a white guy no offence.

Chris: Some taken. Why do say that?
Y/n: Well men treat me diffent because they think " hay she's black so she will kill you in your sleep if your not loyal.

Chris: What would you do?

Y/n: Its happened before so I just cry and wait to the pain to go away.

Chris: What happened?

Y/n: Guy I dated for 3 years. Suddenly Breaks up with me. I investigate to find out that he was cheating on me because I wouldn't have sex with him. Got the girl pregnant fell in love with her. Left me than she left him.

Chris: For who?

Y/n: Her husband.

Chris: Talk about payback.

Y/n: Hay here he comes now.

Chris: really?

Y/n: Yeah.

Chris: follow my lead.
* he winks*

You ex name is Diego

Diego: Hay y/n

Y/n: Hi Diego haven't seen you since you packed all your stuff and left me. This is.....* you start to laugh at the fact you really actually felt revived he left you didn't know why.*

Chris: I'm y/n's boyfriend

Diego: Yeah sorry about that.

Chris: Don't say sorry if it wasn't for you me and y/n would have never met.

Diego: Chris Evans your on a date with y/n. What is that a Charity date.

Chris: No were dating. * grabs your hand from over the table*

Diego: What are you serious. Are you sure she's not with you for the money?

Chris: I know she is to sweet if a person to still someones money.

Diego: Your wrong because she stole all my money.

Chris: I think that baby you had with someone else drained your money. Don't you think so y/n.

You bust out laughing by this time and Diego expression. It made you feel like luckiest girl on earth being with Chris Evans and him protecting you from your ex and his lies.

Y/n: I believe so.

Diego: Wait you know about the baby. I'm so ....

Chris reaches over the table to kiss you be before Diego could get another word out.




Chris: Bye Devon I mean Go Diego Go.

Y/n: Well that was fun. Thank you

Chris: No problem. Just call me when you want to have fun.

Y/n: And kiss some more.

Chris: Of course * Hand you his number and kisses your lips, winks and walks away.*

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