Chris Evans

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You and Chris were getting married today. You were happy, excited, and nervous all at the same time. You put on your sweetheart neckline mermaid wedding dress. You hear the door creak open and you turn around to see you mother and sister. You mother was wearing a simple purple dress. Your sister comes in her with maid of honor dress. Your mother takes one look at you and burst out in tears.

Mom: You look so beautiful.

You start wiping her tears away.

Y/n: Mom don't cry or I'm going to start crying. And I just finished my makeup.

Y/s/n: Aww I can't believe your getting married. I remember my wedding day.

Y/n: Ok y/s/n do you have to rub it in that you got married first.

Y/s/n: I just saying you should have been married years ago.

Y/n: You know me and Chris weren't ready at one point of time.

Y/s/n: I feel like you deserve to be married after dating for 2 years.

Y/n: I would wait thousand years for him.

There was a knock on the door and it was your dad.
Dad: Wow you look beautiful.

Y/n: Thank you dad.

Dad: The ceremony is starting.

Mom: I have to go. I love beautiful. You have a great future at the end of the aisle.

You give your mother a kisses and playfully punch your sister.Your mother walks out the room. And you hear the music starting to play. Your sister gives you a hug and gets in place to walk down the aisle. You look over at your dad. He hands you the veil and helps you out it on.

Dad: Y/n I know this will probably not matter after you say "I do" bit I need to know.

Y/n: Dad if your asking what I think it is. Yes I'm a virgin.

Dad: How did you know I was going t-

Y/n: Just know, I know. And you taught me better than to go sleep around with people I won't be with long term relationship with. Like marriage.

Dad: Well then, glad to know sweetheart. Ready to go?

You pick up your bouquet of white and purple roses and look at your dad.

Y/n: Ready, I think.

Dad: I know your ready sweetheart. It's a father's best and worst day to see there daughter married off. I will always love you, and will always be there for you. And I think I'm ready to give you away. I think.

You give you farther a big kiss on the cheek and the doors open. Your venue was outside on a beautiful spring day. You decided to take advantage of the beautiful day. As your walking around the corner you see your family members and Chris's looking at you in awe. You didn't pay attention to anyone else. Your eyes where locked on the love of your life. Only thing you could hear is the chorus to "Thousand Years" by: Christina Perri

"I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more."

By the end of the chorus your standing right in front of Chris. And you never broke eye contact. Till the pastor asked "who is giving the bride away?" You asked your mother, and siblings to stand up to. And all together they say "We do". You give your farther a kiss again and Chris takes your hand to help you up on step. He whispers " You look beautiful sweetheart" and you mouth " Thank you". You and Chris created your own vows. Chris did his first.

Chris: Y/n I don't know words that can even explain how much I love you. I know it sounds cliche to say that. But I never though in a million years I would ever find love, then I met you. You took my heart and soul and I plan on letting you keep it forever. You know me like the back of your hand. And I know I can say the same thing about you. We've been though thick and thin, rumor after rumor. But I didn't care because I knew the truth. From this day on I promise these things to you. I promise to be there for you. I promise to never hurt you physically or mentally. I promise to show you love on the daily basis with people watching or not. I promise to love and take care you though sickness and and health. I promise to only love you and never be unfaithful. I promise all of this and more. I love you.

You looked at Chris with tears in your eyes. He wiped them away and you started your vows.

Y/n: Chris love is more than a word it comes with conquests and rewards. I always thought that love wasn't for me. Then there was you. I had my share of relationships but I never feel in love. I thought you would be the same. I thought if I could give a man high expectations he would run away. But you were determine to love me. Out of everyone me. I thank God you taught me how to love. My parents did all they could show me. And now I know what it means. I love you and I promise you that I will be there for. I will love you for better or worse. I will be faithful. I will never hurt you in anyway. I will only be with you. I love you.

You and Chris never broke eye contact and the last words you heard where from the pastor "You my kiss the bride."

When Chris kisses you he picks you up bridal style and turns you around.

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