Chapter 30

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I ran to the park not being able to control my tears.

I was crying a waterfall as I sat down on a bench.

I really thought I finally found someone who I could trust, who I could love. But no, I was wrong. As always.

'Angie?' I suddenly heared a high-pitched voice say.

I looked up and saw... Jade?

'Jade? What are you doing here?' I asked whilest wiping away my tears.

She sat next to me.

'I was kind of lost cause Matí left me alone but then I saw you crying.' She said.

'Oh.. yeh..' I muttered.

'Has German done anything?' She asks.

'Yes...' I look at her trying to figure out why she is here.

'Aghh... it's always him isn't it? He hurts us woman too much..' Jade said as she pulled me into a (quite uncomfortable) hug.

'Jade..' I said breaking the hug.

'Yes?' She said.

'Did I make you feel this way... the way I feel now... betrayed... two years ago?' I asked.

'Eehmm... what sort of question is that sweetie pie? I can't remember that long ago, you should know that.' Jade said confused.

'Ah.. yes ofcourse.. I should've known.' I said giggling.

'Well It's good you can laugh again.' She said.

'Thank you Jade.' I said.

'You're welcome.' She beamed.

Then I heared a voice from behind me.

'It was you on the phone wasn't it?!' It was Priscila..

'I don't know what you're talking about Priscila.' I said looking down.

'Oh you know! You ruined our whole plan!' She yelled at me.

'I don't give a f**k about your plan! You were planning on hurting me, and the only thing you can think of is that I've ruined it?! Don't you even feel a little bit guilty' I yelled back at her whilest standing up.

Jade sat there confused not knowing what to do.

'I would never feel guilty about my master plan! You b*tch! Just get lost already?!' She yelled.

I was ready to attack her and she me, when I suddenly saw Pablo dragging back Priscila and I felt two strong arms doing the same with me...

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