Chapter 57

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Whilest I was teaching Vilu, I couldn't concentrate.

'And then... Angie? Hello? Earth to Angie?' Vilu said as she waved her hands in front of my face.

I still didn't notice.

'Angie are you thinking of dad again?' She asked.

That made me snap.

'Wait what? Vilu what were you saying?' I asked her confused.

'You were thinking about dad hah?' She said.

'Whaat? No...' I tried to convince her and myself but both did not work.

'Yeh yeh, anyways, Priscila seemed pretty jealous when Lucia called my dad her daddy' she grinned.

'Do you think so? I didn't notice.' I said sarcastically.

We laughed 'till German came in with Lucia.

'Hey girls, are you done?' He asked.

'Yes, I think we are. Right Angie?' She said looping over at me.

'Ugh, yes we are.' I chuckled.

'Good, 'cause Lucia wanted her mommy.' He said.

'Wait.. you mean that...' I began but he cut me of.

'Yes, she said "mommy"' he said smiling at me.

My cheeks began to burn at his words and I felt myself grow happy inside. The feeling of being a mother... she's not my real daughter though..

'Awh..' I said smiling.

German handed Lucia over to me and I stroke my hand over her head.

'Did German play nice with you?' I asked her.

She anwsered with a chuckle and a few cute noises. I saw the sparkle in her eyes again, wich means yes.

'I think she likes you..' I said to German.

'Well, I like her too.. but her "mother" even more...' he said looking me in the eyes.

Goodluck writing my cutie pie💕
Goodnight everyone❤

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