Chapter 3

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I stepped on the wooden stairs of my supposed home. With every step it creaked as if it were a signal that someone was on their property. The stair cases always had cracks in the middle of them ever since we lived here.

My parents never bothered to fix it, it benefited them more than anything. It had been like their own personal warning sign, as a precaution, in case they were caught.

I felt sorry for myself, for my existence, unfortunately, growing up in this dumpster had been the least of my worries. I could never bring Stella over given my miserable situation, anyone who passed by could tell that we were worthless, broke, the marks and scrapes carved in the outskirts of our house didn't help.

I reached for the door knob and twisted it, soaked from the rain, I quickly ran towards my room. My stomach ached and I could feel the sickness settling in.

I laughed internally.

Normal teenagers would be crying from catching a cold, PMSING, or being heartbroken. I, on the other hand cried at the thought of being physically and emotionally tortured in just a few minutes.

I went inside and closed the door. It was dark, my parents never liked opening the light for financial reasons. I knew they were waiting for me downstairs in the basement.

After all, this had been the Friday drill.

My room, I sighed, more like a cell.

I quickly took in my surroundings,, I looked at the clothes on the floor, the books were scattered everywhere on the tiny desk, constrained to the wall. I had a queen sized bed that was situated across the bathroom, but despite how suffocating it was, I had grown accustomed to being smothered every night.

I changed into the regular black dirty pants and put on a black tight shirt. It had blood stains everywhere from all the previous Fridays. I just didn't feel the need to stain anymore of my repugnant attire.

It started happening when I turned 15, my parents thought I was mature enough to take a beating, but that wasn't the only reason why I was being abused...

I walked out of the room and tied my hair whilst I descended to the basement. I heard my mother and father talk and laugh bitterly which automatically set my heart up to speed. I had it in me to stand up to anyone. I couldn't tolerate the thought of someone else putting me down especially for no reason.

Despite that, I could never in a million years look down on my parents, let alone retaliate.

As I reached the last step, my eyes blurred with tears, I wiped them off quickly before i made myself visible.

"You're late," My mother said bitterly.
The basement was dark, there was one chair in the middle and two chairs opposing it. She was sitting on one of the two seats and besides her was a person I called 'dad'.

"I know, I'm sorry I missed the bus so I had to walk," I said biting my lip. I made sure not to mention Mr.Vervain and the fact that he delayed me.

It's sad, here I was, ready to take a beating and be degraded, and because of ME, the government had been paying seeing as I'm still 17 and not an adult.

I made my way to the single seat and sat in front of my unfortunate parents.

My mother stood up and slapped my face with all her might. The pain was unbelievable, I felt as if my jaw cracked. I held my face and looked up at her menacing eyes.

"That's no excuse! You worthless little shit!" she spat on my face. I looked at my father, the usual old him, just sitting there with a straight face as he casually crossed his arms, no care in the world, no urge to stand up for his only daughter.

"You were born at 5:30 and you will feel the pain you caused me every Friday till you rot in hell,"

I shut my eyes trying to maintain my sanity. I felt her footsteps fading. I knew she was heading to the table that contained the violent tools. My arms rested on the arm chair as she made her way back and cuffed them so tight. I couldn't bare it, I bit my lip so I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of being hurt. It was evident that the marks would appear in the morning.

"Ok now Aster, ready to have some fun?" My mother clapped her hands and squealed in excitement.  She turned around and kissed my father surprising him. He just stared at her as if she was a miracle. I looked at him in disgust, when he met my eyes they were full of guilt. He kept his gaze on the floor after that.

I stared at both of them feeling the pang in my heart. Every Friday I sat in the same spot and questioned the same thing over and over again. How could my mother do this to me? Am I that worthless?

I shut my eyes, tears erupting, any good inside of me subsiding and pain taking its place. I felt a cold object caressing my neck then moving down my arm. In an instance, the knife dissolved into my right arm and kept moving down. I bit my lip so hard to the point where I could taste blood on my teeth.

"UGHHH" My eyes were going to pop out, I couldn't help it, I kept screaming so loud as she continued to torture me.

"Why me?" I started sobbing and screaming whenever I felt the knife penetrate me. "Why..." My eyes were closed tightly, my sobs were out of control, I could feel the blood trickling down my arms.

"Because I was raped and you were my reward you filthy bastard. I will never look at you any less than garbage waste!" She screamed and those were the last words I heard before I felt her knuckles in my stomach knocking all my lively senses away.

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