Chapter 31

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Coach prepared a healthy meal for me to consume before training. He gave me pre-works to increase my stamina. This act of kindness elevated my conviction to not fail him again. The main issue faced before had been, my inability to consume a good portion of meals, however Coach earnestly promised that he would take care of this problematic factor.

Before I instigated working on the agility drills assigned to me during every workout, he informed me of my interval training framework, which included 2-3 sessions a week.

One of the sessions I needed to follow included shadow boxing, and short sprints, those were the non-interval days. Today had been that day, and let me say, I was soaked in my sweat.

Coach was pushing me to the limit while I was jump roping. My nature, or knowledge of being fit was demolished post this intense workout. I felt the taste of tobacco rise to my throat, which made me regret every moment I spent inhaling toxic smoke.

I sat on a red sofa situated on the side of the basement, the smell of equipment rejuvenated my adrenalin, empowering me to what lay ahead.

Coach Zayn chucked a bottle of water my way, making me sit up straight.

"You did good today, but can do better" I sensed that Coach was attempting to be encouraging, but he didn't want me to settle on where I was now.

I raised my eyebrow, taking in his facial expression and body language.

"You know Coach, you don't need to be gentle with me. I'm a strong girl" I said with confidence.

"You're no girl." He always held a poker face, I had to put in the effort, and focus my senses, to understand the message he was sending.

"I am offended" I said, smiling. It was unusual for Coach and I to prolong our conversations, if it didn't include training methods, and orders for that matter.

"You've lived a life, that no girl your age should be visible to" Coach rested on the leg press, and stared at me. 'I went easy on you today, but today was an exception.'

"I know Coach, you don't need to remind me of your methodology" I chuckled. "Just don't kill me in the process."

We heard a car engine, which I presumed was Mr. Vervain.

"Stay close to him" Coach said resolutely, before he left my sight.

I swiftly entered the car, sticking myself to the side of the door. My hair was drenched, and the dampness I felt spread all over, I didn't want Mr. Vervain quaffing any of that.

"It's ok Aster, you're human" Mr. Vervain casually said. I stayed quiet, embarrassed that I was truly an open book. Only to him, only to him.

He glanced in my direction frequently throughout the ride. I had many things to say, with everything that happened, the issue with the nanny, the absence of decent clothes.

I settled to the thing that affected me the least. "Mr. Vervain I need clothes, can you drop me off for tonight." I said, feeling disgusted with myself.

My hair was in a wet bun, my hoodie and tights smelled worse than ever, and after encountering a girl, a pretty one that took care of herself, because she could afford it of course, my self-esteem went down a notch.


"No? You have court tomorrow, I need to attend school, I need clothes Mr. Vervain." I huffed.

"Do you think you're asking for the impossible?" He said, matter-of-factly.

" that a rhetorical question?" I stared at him, confused.

"Who am I to you?" Everything.

"You're my teacher..." My heart beat a little faster.

The second those words slid, Mr. Vervain brought his car to a halt, on the side of the road.

"Don't do that" Mr. Vervain's emotions dripped in every word.

"Do what?" Not knowing, why I went along with it. Why I didn't just agree, that I was lying to myself, to him. That it was in my nature to push anything I cared about, far away from me.

He turned around, so his mind, body and soul was directed towards me.

"Do you think," Mr. Vervain paused, apparent that he was struggling to say the right words "That this," his hand touched mine, stroking my finger with his "Is what a teacher does to you"

His hazel eyes blazed with light, reciprocating his emotional state with every touch.

"No" I exhaled.

"You steal the breath from my lungs" My eyes were glued on his, my heart devoted, with every word he uttered.

"You warm me deep down" Mr. Vervain sighed.

"See. You just stole my breath away"

Tears began streaming down my face.

"Don't give up on me, remember?"

I nodded, terrified that if I open my mouth, the next words that would come out of me will scare him away. I was afraid, to show him, in this moment onwards, he was my reason for living.

He didn't let go of my hand as he followed the road.

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