Chapter 9

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For some reason, I woke up the next day feeling like I was safe. I couldn't sleep until 2am, but the fact that I couldn't hear my drunken mothers voice, or any other inappropriate things that happened between my 'father' and her, soothed me.

The thought made my heart ache a little. It took me a while to realize Mr. Vervain's impact on me. Even though I was sleeping under the roof of a stranger, someone I didn't even confide in, I still felt secure.

I couldn't hear any voices, so I slowly crept out of the room. It was embarrassing to believe that I could help Mr. Vervain, or make myself feel better for eliminating a problem other than mine.

I peeked into the living room, it was clear. I sighed, relieved, and walked towards the exit door. The second I touched the door knob I heard footsteps come to a halt behind me.

Bringing my head down, defeated that I wasn't silent enough to escape this confrontation.

"It would have been more respectful if you mentioned you were leaving," Mr. Vervain stated, no sign of emotion.

Anger boiled in me, but I had to remind myself that this was my fault and I had no place here. I turned around, my anger half concealed by my hair. I looked straight, providing him with no indication of how I felt,

"Apologies," Gritting my teeth. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home, I'm going to be late for school."

He narrowed his eyes that appeared darker than their original hazel. "And how do you suppose you will get there?" Looking at his watch, "You're already 10 minutes late."

I was so used to lying. I could tell him that I contacted my mother to pick me up. But his eyes stopped me. They held so much rawness, which held me back from indulging in any white lies.

"I don't know," I sighed. Tired of being tired and defenceless. Mr. Vervain was the only man that made me feel that way.

"I was on my way out, I've already dropped Haley to school," Mr. Vervain picked up his keys from the side table and began to walk towards me. The sunlight coming from the window beside the door, was reflected on his face. His nose was perfectly aligned, making his chiselled jaw line more prominent and so accurately moulded. Oh god he had beautiful eyes, eyes that had the power to change colours depending on his mood, they were so hypnotizing.

I just stood there staring at him, taking him in my system. Any shame I had diminished. I could feel Mr. Vervain's energy, his vibrance; his mere existence fuelled my strength. He looked at me expecting me to move and I didn't. I could tell, that he was looking at me but not through me. But his realisation of what was happening, the tension that I was instigating showed on his face. Mr. Vervain stood there, and for the first time since we spoke this morning, he allowed his eyes to pierce through me.

"Why are you still standing Aster," My name, his voice, just melted my insides.

"I don't know, Michael," His name rolled off my tongue naturally. Mr. Vervains face softened. I could tell he was affected by it. He ran his hand through his hair, but maintained eye contact.

"What are you doing to me?" Sighing he placed his hand on my shoulder as a gesture to make me move.

What was I doing to him? What was he doing to me? Just that small touch set the birds that have been caged in for so long.

I cleared my throat, sensing that it was my cue to move. But my feet refused to listen to my logic.

The moment was gone, when I felt the burning sensation on my right arm. I moved quickly and placed my hand on my right shoulder. "Can you stop doing that" Irritated that he managed to keep touching my wound.

Realisation dawned on his face and he stepped back. "Don't mention it." I held my hand up before he tried to say anything. I turned around and went straight to his car waiting for him to unlock it. I was angry, and hurt. Because he knows that I'm tainted, and broken and it just hurts.

I could sense his anger equate mine as he unlocked the door and slammed it shut. I put my seat belt on, hoping that the ride to school would be swift.

I had so many questions lingering waiting to be answered. Was that lady his ex-wife? What did she want? What could she have possibly done to make him lose his physique and lose control of himself the way he did?

"It's my fault for trying to be human," He muttered, bringing me back to the present. "After I drop you off to school I don't want you to intervene in my affairs, like you courageously did yesterday, and I won't interfere with yours," He spoke without an ounce of remorse in his voice or his features.

I sat there with my mouth open. I didn't think he would mention my failed "attempt" and unwanted presence last night, but he did and this made me question my faulty intuition of feeling secure with him.

"You know what? You were the one that started beating around the bush! so excuse me for returning the favour," I puffed, crossing my arms together, overlooking the transparent window.

"I thought I could help you." I whispered. My eyes trickled. "I thought I could save someone," I looked at him my eyes burning.

"Other than myself."

"Aster," His voice was soothing, and I could see his transparent eyes giving me a leeway of his soft, caring side.

I could feel the lump in my throat itching to break away. I couldn't let him see me so weak. I noticed that the car was parked in front of the school building and thanked the Lord that it was empty. I opened the door before I could succumb to him and just ran.

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