Chapter 51

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I had a blank face on while Mason attempted to manoeuvre the wheel chair in between the door to his house.

"Mason I'm sorry but the wheel chair isn't going to magically shrink," I muttered. Every time I tried to remove myself from the chair, he would gently, but firmly pull me back.

"Stop being impatient!" He said with frustration.

"Dude, it's been 5 minutes. I'm not freaking paralysed," I got up so quickly and ran-limped to the couch.

"Aster!" He was angry yes, but I was about to explode.

"I'm alive see," I held both my hands up and gave him an innocent smile.

"Damn chair," He threw the wheelchair outside of his house before he slammed the door shut.

It's been a week since I've been in the hospital. In the mean time, Mason's bruises healed and he was stubbornly up and running to my every need. Stella was shaky at first when we reunited, but her encouraging and uplifting words didn't just comfort me, they reassured me that this had been a learning curve for her. She seemed wiser than the naive, oblivious Stella I knew her to be.

I hadn't seen Michael ever since the day Lea visited me.

After my outburst, Michael squeezed my hand and whispered into my ear that we would talk soon. I didn't know whether he was going to share his last words before he bids me farewell, or reconsider our relationship. Maybe he would tell me that he couldn't live without me, that his life would be bleak and dull if I'm not part of it.

But that was wishful thinking.

I've had heart burns throughout the week. Thoughts of not exisiting in his future, of him not being mine to keep. To hold.

"Stop thinking about him Aster," I heard the concern in Mason's voice. My eyes remained directed to the ceiling. I was physically present but soulfully with him.

"I can't help it. He breathed life into me," A teardrop caressed my face.

He removed my legs to sit beside me and placed it over his.

"I know that Aster, but you need to find yourself. You need to learn how to love yourself before you share that love with anyone," He was talking to me like I was one of his patients, but it struck a cord.

I didn't even know what lay beneath my skin. I never had the opportunity to discover myself.. but Michael.. it felt like my blood was poisoned by the thought of losing him. It was seeping through me.

"You don't even know Michael, Aster,"

"I do!" I retaliated, death glaring him. I felt angry that he was indirectly saying I couldn't claim to love someone I didn't even know to begin with.

"You don't. He doesn't even know you Aster. Tell me a proper conversation you've had with him that was on a personal level?"

We both stared at each other. His eyes narrowed as though he was challenging me to come up with something.

"He told me about his ex-wife and why he left her and took Haley," I tried to be as vague as possible just in case Mason didn't know, but I doubted that. "I told him the fact that I get abused," That was a lie, he figured it out.

Mason didn't respond to me and remained silent. As if he had known that I was having an epiphany.

We never acted normal around each other. We never mocked around, we never expressed our feelings. We haven't even gone out on a date. I don't even know his favourite dish, his favourite place to eat. I didn't know anything besides his marital status and the reasoning behind it.

"See, I told you," A sad smile curved on his face.

"Then how are we so connected? Why do I feel so strongly? How come it's mutual? I understand him Mason," I said firmly and adjusted myself in a seating position.

"That's why I never feel the need to ask about certain things because I get him. His facial expressions, when he's unwell, upset, happy, overthinking etc. How?"

"Because Aster, you have 'Clairsentience' you can feel and experience anyone's energy in an intuitive way through your own body and emotions. That's why you don't feel the need to ask,"

"But I love him..." My heart constricted.

"I believe you and I believe that he loves you more than that. You connect, it's not only physical chemistry, but it runs deep. Why do you think it's unexplainable?"

I thought for a moment. "I think we carried this lingering sadness inside of us for so long, to the point where it was instantly recognisable the moment our eyes locked. I love his presence it's soothing and demanding. He makes me feel secure, with his tiny acts of services..."

I paused, memories flashed before me. The way he hugged me like his life depended on it. "With the way he holds me..." I sighed.

"I know Aster. I just wanted to remind you that your feelings are not temporary. They're not derived from an emotionally driven teenager. You chose to love him because of his characteristics. You saw his human side. It's not empty," Mason reassured.

"But what now?"

"You know Aster. You know what to do," His eyes were sad and he tilted his face towards the wall that covered the short hallway.

I couldn't feel my hands or legs.
Our eyes connected and I was frozen in time.

He heard everything.

If I had electrodes taped on me, the heart monitor would have signalled my erratic heart rate.

Michael would know, that I wasn't just having a mini heart attack.

He would know that I was now, completely and utterly paralysed.

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