Chapter 18

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While we were on our way to drop Haley off to school, she informed me so ecstatically about her love for learning. She told me which grade she was in, grade 4, and that it is a must for her school stationary to have Disney characters plastered on them. When she said that, she tilted her bag pack to the side, shining her smile down on me, while she addressed the tiny images of different Disney princesses scattered around.

After we dropped her off, Mr. Vervain slammed the door, switched on the ignition and headed towards the school.

"Why is Haley asking me to get her a set of power puff girls stationary?" Mr. Vervain questioned.

"I don't know. You would know better" I said. Attempting to keep my tone neutral.



After muttering incomprehensible words, Mr. Vervain received a phone call.

"Yes." I kept my gaze on the road, but my hearing abilities were still intact.

"We will discuss this tonight. See you then"

I could barely hear him, but the entirety of the conversation was vague.

"Where were we?" Mr. Vervain appeared to be in a haze, but remembered nevertheless, "She never asks me for anything. You made her do it."

"Whether I did or didn't, that girl deserves the world." I said, truthfully.

I could feel Mr. Vervains gaze on me. I decided not to acknowledge I did, so I kept my face forward.

We arrived to school, going our separate ways.

My mind travelled to this night that followed the next one. Sorrow filled me.

I headed to class, it had to be English.

It suddenly felt like every aspect of school was somehow interlinked with Mr. Vervain. The fact that he was a teacher in this school dominated my entire educational system. It was like he was in control of everything and anything in during the day; my subjects, students I encounter in the hall way, especially boys, who don't even amount to him, and the comparisons I constantly make when it comes to different teachers. 

Every moment in school drifted to thoughts of him.

I noticed everyone seated with their partner for the assignment. My eyes searched for Cecilia and found her angry figure seated next to a vacant chair.

"Just so we're clear, I'm going to be civil with you only because my grades mean the world to me and I need to pass this class to pursue my dream career" She firmly stated.

"Fine by me" I said nonchalantly as I took a seat. I was slightly surprised, given that Cecilia was honestly a bimbo when it came to certain things that I shouldn't mention.

My eyes followed Mr. Vervain, as he took a seat behind his desk.

Cecilia and I were situated in the first row, directly facing him.

My cheeks were warm; I brushed my hand over them, feeling the blush creeping up on me, literally from under my skin. I knew that Mr. Vervain and I, had a secret-peculiar relationship out of school bounds, if that's what it was.

It was thrilling.

'Ok. I've had complaints from some students about basing the assignment on Hamlet. Since you haven't really read the book, or critically analysed Shakespearean texts in classrooms, the school board decided to change the novel to something more contemporary."

Mr. Vervain spoke to the classroom making sure that every person had his eyes on him. 

"Your assignment task has been modified to revolve around Romeo and Juliet, and the concept of love and sacrifice. You have to create a new version of the text by posing as one of the characters."

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