Chapter 45

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"Why do you think you never felt the need to report them?" Mason professed.

I'm not worth it. I think I deserved it. I mentally told myself over and over again that I was a mistake, and being tortured was destined for me. I had no choice in the matter.

I don't think I ever had the ability to express these inner battles I've faced in my life. I never had someone to talk to about my situation, besides Stella, but she was too innocent. I would've stained her mind, heart and soul.

Everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to budge. I ran my hand through my long hair and placed it to the side. I could feel Mr. Vervain's gaze burn holes into my skin. It was like fire. sizzling, it coursed through my veins.

"I guess i felt like it was predestined for me... to be tortured," My words steady. After all the tears, my heart decided to turn into stone. I didn't know, whether or not I should tell them about the reason of my existence. But I had to, nonetheless.

After all, they were here to save me. They were, all put into one word, my heroes.

"My mum was raped, I was a reminder of that. I was her worst nightmare that came to life,"

Stella gasped and Ben looked quizzical. Mason never knew, he always thought my mum had a fling and had me willingly. I looked at them with a straight face, ensuring them that I wasn't as affected as I should have been.

Mason had his hand support his crouched head, Stella was crying silently while Ben tried to comfort her, hoping that he too would get comfort out of it. I was a hopeless case I guess.

It was utterly silent from Mr. Vervain's side of the couch. Before I could look over, Mr. Vervain held the vase that was placed on the table and smashed it on the wall.

"I'm going to erase her worthless existence," His anger erupted like a volcano ready to explode, but his voice was so faint, as if his anger didn't change his natural composure.

Before he could walk out the door, I dodged the glass that was shattered on the ground, and held his arm.

"Calm down Mr. Vervain," He raised his eyebrow, rage evidently swirling in his hazel eyes. I tilted my face towards my two friends, reminding him of my place and where we stand under the public eye.

He exhaled, understanding the reasoning behind why I didn't say his name.

"I know you're furious, I know you want to rip them to shreds, but it's my fight," He sighed, with a firm nod, he moved away and situated himself on the sofa.

It stung, for him to brush me off so easily. My hand lingered mid-air. I tried to remind myself that we should be professional in front of Stella and Ben.

I looked at Ben, I didn't have to hear his thoughts to be reminded that he knew we shared more than just a student-teacher relationship.

Stella was as blind as a shark. As long as there was no blood, her senses were far from being alert.

Mason sighed, "I'm sorry Aster," before he added onto the apology any further I raised my hand, bringing his words to a halt.

"Proceed with the plan," I waved my hand, and we all waited patiently.

His eyes spoke volumes, as his gaze deepened. Mason broke the silence and continued.

"This is what's going to happen, tomorrow you will attend school, and Stella and Ben will go home with you after," Stella, Ben and I stared at him dumbfounded.

"No way in hell am I getting them into that shit-hole! That's not right. You don't know how dysfunctional they are. They can lash out on them..." My lips trembled.

"It's ok Aster, we got you," Ben affirmed while Stella erratically nodded her head. "We want to protect you," He stated. I felt like his words had a double-meaning to them.

"Just hear me out. I also believe, given my field of work, the main reason you never reported them was because it would be their words against yours, they're manipulative. You could even go to the psyche ward and they can accuse you of being mentally unstable. You probably believe you are," He stated the last few words as though he was also questioning whether I feel this way.

My silence confirmed it.

"So you need witnesses. I know they're going to be extra cautious when they see that you had the guts to actually bring your friends over,"

Raising my eyebrow, "I don't see how this will help,"

"You're going to have to provoke them. You're going to have to unleash their demons onto you,"

"What the fu-" Mr. Vervain shut his mouth when he realised he was in the presence of his students.

Ben raised his eyebrow, looking at Mr. Vervain in a different light.

"No way in hell are you putting Aster in danger, that's unacceptable. I won't allow it," He looked ruthless and his composure was crumbling.

Hearing those words though, kind of melted my insides.

"Michael would you let me finish?" Mason looked at him frustrated and annoyed from the fact that he would think that he would place me in jeopardy. "We will be right outside, and Ben here," And Ben jumped at the sound of his name, "He'll message me the second they try to make a move on you. You'll have 4 witnesses Aster. You can put them away, for a long time."

I thought over his plan, thinking of the worst case scenario. I peered at Stella, not wanting her to get her hands dirty for me. Her face was pale, my issues were really stripping the life out of her.

"Stella, you don't have to do this," I said in reassurance. The fact that she was here was enough. The fact that she knew didn't make me feel as alone as I used to be.

"Aster that's the least I can do!" Growling, "I can't believe we've been friends for so long and i never knew," she cried. "I can't believe I let my friend be fed to the wolves while I spoke to her about boys and shopping and superficial stuff," both her hands now covered her face, "Like I said, this is the least I can do. I love you."

I grabbed Stella's fragile body towards me, as she sobbed silently with her face crouched on my chest.

"I don't blame you. I always have and always will love you. You are my only friend, my best friend. My other half," I consoled her.

We all sat in silence. I turned my head towards Mr. Vervains silent form.

"What do you think?" I said, eagerly waiting to hear his inner-thoughts.

"I don't like this Aster," He sighed, "But I went over every possible scenario, and this is the only one that would potentially work," Mr. Vervain didn't look at me. It hurt.

I was depending on him too much. Everything he said mattered to me, everything he was, he is, enchanted me.

He was magical and I was mystified by this being.

I felt the pain spread, but I remained collected.

With my lifeless eyes, i looked at Mason and nodded my head,

"Let's do this."

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