Chapter 21

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After school finished, I decided to go home and lock myself up in the room.

My fate was sealed; the least I could do was rejuvenate before it was time to submit to her...

I tried to avoid Stella, and any interactions and perhaps encounters with Ben as well.

Even though I was enlightened with a different side to him, and the revelation of the person he was now, and had become for me, I couldn't afford to feel tender right now.

I had to be strong. For something or someone out there that wasn't. That suffered and gave up. That survived, exists, but has never lived. Who doesn't know the meaning of freedom. I'm not going to succumb to that. When the right time comes, I know I'll fight with everything left in me.

I started to walk home. I could see someone from the peripheral of my eye facing me. I looked around to check if there was anything or anyone else intriguing enough. But there wasn't.

I turned around and saw Mr. Vervain walk up to me. He didn't seem happy or angry.

That didn't stop my stammering heart beat. His eyes weren't as open as they usual were, they were piercing. Everything about him was. My eyes moved to his hair, even though it was facing upwards, it seemed untouched, just naturally perfect. His jawline intensified every time he altered his mood.

I didn't understand, how this imperfect human can magnify every aspect of himself through my eyes. I've never looked, let alone seen any man under this dominating, yet captivating demeanour.

"Why do you look pale?" Mr. Vervain asked, well demanded.

"It's my normal look. I'd say natural if you want to be real." I looked around at the scattered girls. Some were peering at the rear view mirror, some taking selfies, some all over guys, but all of them literally covered with makeup.

I looked at him with the biggest smile.

"Your sarcasm needs to stop" Mr. Vervain looked at me attempting to provoke me to say the truth with his eyes.

"I need to go Mr. Vervain" Sighing, I initiated to move "I have no time for this"

"Let me drop you off at least" Mr. Vervain touched my arm. I looked at his hand that was placed on me, he dropped it instantly and looked around.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn. Just let it go. Let me go!" I suddenly got angry. The reality of being with him was being extinguished, the tiniest hope that had been lingering for a while now, was slowly fading.

He was my teacher.

"No. Something's wrong. I just don't have it in me. I don't know why" Mr. Vervain shut his eyes "I despise it"

"You don't have it in you to what? If you despise it then why do you even bother" my tone wasn't pleasant and Mr. Vervain knew my anger was getting out of control.

"Can you just get in the car. I'll explain. Not in public Aster" Some students walked passed us and they gave me a look. Satisfied that I was apparently getting 'told-off' by my teacher, if presuming, that's what they thought.

"I know you're using this as an excuse to get me in there"

"Is it working?" I didn't understand Mr. Vervain. He sounded adamant on knowing my state of being, dropping me off, not leaving me, but his voice, his eyes, they rarely gave anything away. If I didn't hear it, I wouldn't believe it.

Sometimes he would show a hint of concern with his tone of voice, his touch, his kind gestures, but they were too rare.

I broke our gaze and settled in the front seat. This nostalgic feeling was coming back to me. The sweet scent. His leather seats. The familiarity of this comfortable car.

Mr. Vervain started the ignition, he didn't ask me where to go, and I never addressed him.

I just wanted to get lost with him, in him, within him.

I thought I had to be in solitude to strengthen myself. But Mr. Vervain was my power. He empowered me. He gifted me, with a reason to hope. Even though that hope was on the brink of despair. He managed to revive it... every time.

"So? Tell me"

"I don't understand why I'm so drawn to you" Mr. Vervain's voice was low, but intense.

My body radiated. I felt war, my face was warm.

He didn't have to explain further, it was mutual. But I wanted more.

"What do you mean Mr. Vervain?"

"Michael, Aster"

"Hm" I hid my smile. It was too easy to irritate Mr. Vervain.

"You're 17, but your mind collides with mine" Mr. Vervain gazed at me with so much emotion. We were halted by the red light. I didn't want it to go green. I just wanted to stretch this moment out for lifetimes. "I'm so... " Mr. Vervain clenched his jaw as he looked away.

Even though it appeared like I wasn't fazed from his words, with his presence, inside I was shaking.

"Michael. Stop" I closed my eyes. I didn't want to know now. Let Friday pass first. This feeling was too enticing, too addicting, too comfortable.

"No damn it!" Mr. Vervain slammed his fist on the steering wheel "I'm so attracted to you. I hate it"

"You hate it?" I felt the tears ready to fall.

"I tell you I'm attracted to you and you're upset that I hate it?" We stopped in front of a small diner. I couldn't look at him. I just sat there not knowing where to go and what to do. I was just upset. Words can be used as weapons as well! I wanted to tell him. But I refrained. He was just as angry as I was.

"So should I be upset that you're attracted to me?!"

Mr. Vervain looked at me in shock.

"What do you think? I'm 25 years old, I have a daughter, I'm your teacher, I'm a father!"

"Don't raise your voice at me" I said sternly.

His eyes were mystical. It was hard for me to remain focused, they worked wonders.

"Don't act like this is a good thing" Mr. Vervain replicated my tone.

I got out of the car and headed to the diner. I went to the corner of a hidden booth and rested my head on my arms.

Silent tears. That was all I could feel.

I heard footsteps and I knew who it was. "Please just go" my voice was muffled from my arm but I didn't care.

"Aster?" I instantly looked up.


Love Bound (Student/Teacher) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now