Chapter 46

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I stared at my friend's retreating forms, as they left the house. Mason offered to drop them off, seeing as they had no transport.

I looked at Mr. Vervain's troubled complexion. I scooted closer, but he held his hand up, ushering me to stop whatever I was about to do next.

The pang in my heart spread throughout my body system. As if he had the ability to electrify me with no physical contact. I froze.

"Don't say it," My lips trembled. I miss my old, uncaring self. Now, anything, I mean just about anything, can trigger the unshed tears I've held on for so long.

"I'm sorry Aster, but when Stella knocked on the door, she also knocked my senses back into place,"

"No! I'll be a legal adult soon! Don't do this! Don't give me the cold shoulder," The words raged out of me.

"I still love you," Our eyes locked. All the rage seeped out of me, and replaced it with a serene feeling. "But I can't ignore that you are still a minor, I can't risk damaging your future and mine in the process," His gaze never left mine. He was playing with his fingers, trying to restrain himself from touching me. Something we've grown so accustomed to in the last couple of days.

I never broke eye contact. My rational side began to pick up the pieces that he had just broken seconds ago.

"Ok," He raised his eyebrow, confusion plastered on his face. "I'm tired, I'll see you tomorrow"

I stood up and went into Mason's room. I held the covers over my head and prayed for sleep to overcome. I won't fight for you anymore, I still didn't fight my own battles. I spoke to an imaginary Mr. Vervain, picturing his dimples fade away into nothingness.


Mason dropped me off to school. We engulfed each other after countless reminders from him that my ticket to freedom was only hours away. I still had a gut-wrenching feeling, but I nodded nonetheless. He reminded me that I wouldn't be taken to foster care, that he was my brother/guardian and he had it sorted.

I attended all my classes with Stella by my side, reassuring me that she wouldn't let those wicked people torture me anymore. That she loved me and she was there for me. Ben was nowhere to be found, but I knew he wouldn't bail.

I walked into Mr. Vervain's class with no care. Feeling like my usual self, which I haven't, ever since we crossed paths.

I didn't even look towards his direction. I felt a hand tug at my shoulder and presumed it was Stella, but when I turned my face I saw Cecilia's, concern swirling inside her ocean-like eyes.

"Are you ok?" She whispered. I looked between her and her followers, disgusted and shocked by our encounter.

"I'm fine Cecilia, thank you for asking," I smiled genuinely at her, appreciating this newfound understanding no one but the both of us shared.

"Don't worry, it gets better," She reassured. She was addressing my relationship with my parents, it wasn't hard for her to put the pieces together after she read my analysis. But I'm sure she didn't know the extent of the problem I was in.

"Girls, be quiet," Mr. Vervains demanding voice resonated through me, but I refused to let it scratch the surface of my heart, where he belonged.

I didn't look at him, I just continued noting down whatever he said. I didn't even delve into the topic, I had no idea what we were taking. Everything sounded gibberish. Everything was meaningless.

The bell rang indicating that we were free to go home.

"Aster," I stopped. Realizing that I didn't have a fighting bone left in me.

We both stood there watching student scurry out into the school corridors. I was standing really close to the door, the second we heard the last student, being Stella, slam the door shut, was the moment I felt his hands on my waist.

He slammed his lips, keeping them firmly locked on mine. It wasn't aggressive, it was soft. It wasn't hunger, it was love. He moved, pressing himself against me. I felt his heart slam into mine and vice versa.

I opened my eyes, his lips never ceasing. His were open, watching my desire grow with every movement his mouth made.

It was more than lust. We craved each other in every way. His eyes danced with mine, as I kissed him slowly.

We stopped to breathe. His nose were inches away from mine. I rested my forehead on his.

Mr. Vervain looked at me with longing, his hands slowly escaped my waist. He held his tie to fix it. He was combing his untidy hair with his fingers, our gazes still intact.

A half smile spread midway, making his eyes twinkle.

And just like that, my feelings were conjured back.

Mr. Vervain cleared his throat, "I'll see you in a bit,"

I nodded and walked over to where we decided to meet: The smoking area.

I lifted my cold fingers to my lips, an attempt to cool down the fire Mr. Vervain has ignited yet again.

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