Chapter 28

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"Why are you aiming these words at me"

I untangled my arms and attempted to move away, but Mr. Vervain held me by my waist.


I attempted to shift again but his arms were like metal.

"Stop with the vague answers."

"You're extremely resilient" He muttered. Does this man have split personalities?

"Says the one who currently has me imprisoned."

Even though Mr. Vervain held my waist, he still managed to tower over me.

I looked at him, trying to conjure up something smart to say, anything to distract me from magnifying these feelings..

"I don't usually do this." Mr. vervain closed his eyes. "I never thought I would be in this position."

"You mean you don't usually show emotion then hyperventilate? oh wait! then express these emotions and then say things that contradict them" acting like I was lost in thought "Hm. I see"

It was obvious my sarcasm pressed the right buttons. He was about to let me go, which was honestly my plan to begin with.

If we prolonged this moment, this embrace, I would have committed an act of stupidity. When I say stupidity, I mean it's open for interpretation in every way possible.

But seconds after he let me go, he rested his head on my lap and just stared.

... At me.
Through the depth of me...

Deep within me. 
No where else but me.

My heart did a back flip.

I returned his gaze, not knowing how to react.

My hands were paused mid-air, my lungs were moving, my eyes were burning.

"This chemistry we have isn't ordinary." His face showed no sign of what he was living internally. His voice grated and rough, yet no indication whether he meant it in a positive or negative way.

"Your reactions aren't ordinary" I glared. Resting my hand on his forehead, tracing every angle around it.

"I want you to come with me to court" Mr. Vervains voice sounded strained.

"But .."

"I know. You can't." He sighed.

I looked at him confused..

"Why would you want me to attend? You have Mason, don't you?"

"I do." His voice.
So restricted.

I waited. For him to elaborate further. But he didn't.

My words were burning to come out and demand him to tell me why he needs me so much!
Even though he didn't say he needed me!
But this is a big deal right?

I feel so wanted.

This feeling is unexplainable, of having purpose, of giving purpose to someone else's existence.

Does that even make sense?

I closed my eyes, preventing any other thoughts from invading my mind.

"Mr. Vervain?"

No response.

I stared at his perfect form. His features were so intricately made. This man was an angel.

"Where did you come from? Can you be more perfect." Whispering to myself. I reclined my head on the sofa, feeling sleep take over.

"You're the angel." Mr. Vervains voice resonated within me.

I couldn't help but sigh. Without opening my eyes I traced my hand over his eyes, his nose... his lips.

He held my hand there.

And unexpectedly placed a kiss on my palm.

"Don't give up on me." His words lingered on my palm...

"Don't give up on me." I sighed.

We fell into silence.

"You still owe me an answer"

He intertwined our fingers.


"Why were you smiling?"

I smiled. "So that was your question"

His mouth formed a slight smile.


"I love your dimples. You should smile more often"

Mr. Vervain quickly reverted to a more serious look.

"Don't compliment me."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Is that so?"


"And why wouldn't I?"

"Why would you?" His eyes were filled with confusion.

"Because it's the truth. I believe in the saying, that honesty is truly the best policy"

"Is that so?"


He offered me the same smile he did moments ago. "Answer the question Aster" He croaked.

"Your presence, revives this side to me."

He stared at me. Wanting me to elaborate.

"There's nothing more to it."

"And I'm the reason?" He confirmed.

"What do you think?" I returned his gaze.

"Close your eyes." Mr. Vervain ordered.

I didn't want to, but my eyes were burning, so I did what I was told.

After seconds went by I opened them again, and realized his eyes were closed.

So I did what any person would do when they're sleep deprived.

I let sleep take over.. hearing our heart beat sync as one.

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