Chapter two

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I'm sure my mascara was running from all the tears escaping from my eyes. After hours of crying I managed to pull myself out from under the covers, which i had covered myself in after talking to jake realizing that could have been that last time we spoke. I dragged myself down the stairs, passing a mirror. I looked like a mess. My hair wasn't brushed, my eyes were red and puffy, the mascara was running down my pale looking skin. As I took in my appearance I quietly whispered to myself

"I'm so broken." Letting one last tear fall.

I made my way to the door, opening it and slowly walking to my mailbox. Before I left my home I pulled my hood over my head covering my emotionless face.

There was a large moving truck in the front of my neighbors house, now new neighbors. At the bottom of my drive way I collected the mail. As I looked up my gaze met that of a blonde boy, around my age. His hair was pushed up into a quiff with the occasional streaks of dark brown, his chest was adorned in a white muscle shirt revealing his large biceps. He was carrying a large box causing the muscle in his arms to flex. He was the most attractive male I had ever seen. We both just stared at each other.

"Niall!" A heard a lady's voice call from inside his house he turned to the direction of the voice then back to me for a moment before walking into the house. I did the same, glancing to his house once more before entering my own.



Sorry it's short my battery is dying I will update when I can! Please comment and vote! Is it good? Ugh I don't know!

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Broken (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang