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As usual, it took all five boys to get me out of bed. When I finally managed to stumble to the couch everyone was already dressed and ready for the day.

"So what's on the schedule today?" Niall asked sitting next to me with his arm slung around my shoulder.

"Sarah and I have plans." Bo said while sitting on Harry's lap.

"Which are?" Harry asked.

"We're having a girls day." I sipped on my drink.

"No!" Harry wrapped his arms around Bo like a little boy clinging to his mommy. "You can't take my Bo!"

"You could always join us and talk about bras, cloths, and our celebrity crushes." I told him.

"Actually I think I'll pass." Harry let go of Bo.

"I thought I was your celebrity crush!" Niall joked.

"Nahh I prefer Austin Mahone." I stuck out my tongue.

"Well he can't have you!" Niall pulled my head to his chest. "You're mine." His fist rubbed to my head with a nugie.

"Hair! Hair! Hair!" I yelled

"Oh yeah wouldn't want to mess up your bed head." Niall joked.

"More like sex hair." Louis added in

"What's with your obsession with our sex life?" I asked.

"So you admit you and Niall have a sex life?!"

"No! We don't!"

"Then what was that loud bang last night? And then I heard you moan Niall's name!"

"Oh that? Niall knocked me out of bed."

"Is that allllllll?" Louis raised his eyebrow.

"Yes Louis! Niall and I have never had sex! End of story!"

I got up to go get a cup of water.

"You and Niall or just you in general?"

"Louis!" I snapped around to him.

"Awww is Sarah a little virgin?" Harry joked.

"Maybe I am." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Aww little innocent Sarah." Zayn ruffled hi fingers in my hair while he walked by. I slapped him away.

"Shut up! I can't be the only one here!"

Or was I.


"Lost mine at 14." He confessed. Didn't see that coming.


"Nope." He popped the p.


Bo gave me a shake of the head. No.


"Looks like you're the only virgin in the house." Louis slightly laughed.

"It doesn't matter." Niall spoke up.

"Thank you!"

"Because I plan on changing that."


"Not in the house!" Liam shouted.

Everyone but me started laughing.


I was searching through my bag for my baseball cap when I heard loud music play from the living room. It was a part from pitch perfect, the riff off, except the boys were singing.


"SHUT UP!" I yelled back.

They were never gunna let this go. At least not until I had sex.

"OH YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO SHINY AND NEW!!!" the boys kept singing.

"YOU GUYS ARE MEANIES!" I called through the walls.

I heard the door creak open.

"I hate you." I said when I turned and saw Harry.

"Hey at least your name isn't Mary. Like the Virgin Mary from the bible."

I let out a small laugh.

"You know we're not gunna let this go don't you?" Harry walked further in the room.

"I figured as much." I stopped looking through my bag.

"One more thing."


"You don't have any pants on."

I looked down.

"Oh shit!"

I forgot I had taken off my pants! I had nothing to cover myself up with.

"GET OUT!" Harry left laughing.

Finally I found my hat. And my shorts.

"Hey look who found her pants!" Harry joked when I walked through the living room. I smacked his head as I passed him.

"Bye Ni." I peaked him on the lips before grabbing my wallet.

"Bye guys!" Bo called out as we walked to the door.

The all chorused a bye. And then there's Harry.

"By Bo! Bye virgin!"

The door was closed, but I could hear the boys laughing.

"You know, I hate your boyfriend." I joked with Bo.

"I know." She laughed.


After a long day of shopping, Bo and I sat at a small empty dock with fishing poles.

"I cant believe we have to leave tomorrow. I wish we could stay longer." I broke the silence.

"You and me both. This place is amazing!"

"It's not just the place. It's being with you, Niall, Harry, everyone. You guys are like my family."

"I know what you mean."

Silence fell upon the two of us again.

"I'm really glad we met." Bo spoke out of no where. "I would seriously be lost without you guys."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not exactly... Close to my family. I'm an only child, my dad's in the military and my mom works 24'7 to pay the bills."

"I'm so sorry Bo."

"Don't be. It's the way things are. I can't do anything about it. But ever since Harry... Everything just seems to be getting better."

"I'm glad... He's crazy about you."

"I feel the same way! He makes me feel like I'm walking on water."

"That's sweet."

"What about you and Niall."

"...He's the only guy who's ever actually cared about me.

My first boyfriend cheated and the second one was just using me."

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It doesn't matter anymore. When I'm with Niall I forget about my broken past. Niall... He fixed me."

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