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We reached the front of his house. The sun was just setting, I had no idea we had been gone so long. Niall jumped out of the car and practically ran over to my side opening the door almost yanking me out of the car. He quickly shut the door and locked it behind me. I giggled at his actions. He lifted me up by thighs and brought me in for a wet kiss. My legs wrapped around his waist as my hands held his face to mine the kiss growing deeper within every second. Niall thrusted his face forward onto mine trying to make us closer, which clearly wasn't an option. As his grip against my legs tightened he leaned me back onto the car, we sprung apart at the sound of the car alarm and flashing lights. I let out a laugh.

Niall spun around on his heels to face me again, after turning off the loud honks of the car. He raced towards me lifting me and spinning me around with a kiss. His hands made there way to my legs, wrapping them around his body as he carried me into his house. Our lips never left each others touch. We were both tipsy and it was obvious, especially in Niall.

He opened the door with one hand, the other supporting me under my bum. He slammed the door shut with his foot as his lips connected to the skin of my neck. I whimpered as he nibbled and sucked in the same spot as before. He chuckled into my skin before he raised his lips to my ear

"My parents aren't home."

Although I couldn't see, I knew he was smirking.

He still held me close as he carried me up to his room and plopped me onto his bed. My legs hung over the end. I sat there and took in the appearance of beauty in front of me. Niall began to unbutton his shirt before tossing it to the side. He bent his knees so his face rest at my knees. He lightly kissed my knee before dragging his fingers slightly over my thigh, causing goose bumps to form on my skin. I flipped my shoes off. Niall's hands spread my knees so they were no longer touching. His lips left wet spots up the inside of my leg. As he moved farther up my leg my fingers played with his hair as I hummed in pleasure. His lips stopped at my shorts. He climbed on top of my small body. He pushed my hair behind my ear and just stared at me.

"What?" I felt as if something was wrong. I could be so insecure at times.

"You're just so... Gorgeous."

"Yeah right." My eyes drifted away from his.

"But you are. Why can't you see it."

"What's so special about me?" I was searching for an answer. What did he see in me that was so stunning.

"Your eyes, sparkle like the ocean. Your lips bring sparks to mine that no one has ever given me before." His thumb rubbed over my bottom lip.

He dragged his hand down my arm to my hand and bringing it to his lips giving it a small kiss.

"Your hands fit perfectly in mine."

He traced his fingers down my legs.

"Your legs are stunningly tan and flawless."

His fingers were brought back up to my sides.

"You have stunning curves on your incredible body."

He hesitated before placing his hands to my breasts, pushing a gasp out of my mouth and a low moan.

"These." Was all he said. I blushed furiously. No one had ever touched me there before. But it wasn't a weird feeling, it sent a shot of pleasure through my body. As he removed his hand I shot him a look that didn't go unnoticed. He placed them back and lightly squeezed as he rubbed his hands up and down my chest. I let out a whimper as he continued to pleasure me.

"You're amazing too." I said threw a moan as he continued to massage my chest.

"Tell me why."

I did just as he did pointing out ever perfect detail about him.

"Gorgeous eyes, a glowing smile." I pecked him on the lips.

"Strong, handsome." One arm holding his bicep the other messing with his hair.

A small smile played on my face as my hand moved from his hair to his bum before squeezing


My hand shifted to the front of his body placing my hand on top of his crotch.


My last word brought a smirk to his face.

"Well," he started, talking with the smile still plastered on his flawless face, "how about I show you how śéxÿ I really can be." Emphasizing the word sexy.

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