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*beep beep beep*

I pressed down on my alarm.


I turned to my side to see an angel sleeping next to me.

A smile poked onto my face as I took in her appearance. She always looked so adorable when she slept.

I hate to wake her, but I didn't really have a choice.

"Babe, get up." I poked her cheeks.

Her eyes remained close but her lips formed into a smirk.

"Get up." I poked at her cheek again.

Sarah turned so her face was berried in her pillow.

"It's too early." She mumbled.

"Don't make me tickle you." I warned.

Sarah just groaned into her pillow.

"Come on, Sarah." I poked at her side this time.

Sarah slightly jumped.

I gave her side another poke.

She finally rolled out of bed, dragging the blankets behind her towards the kitchen.

I watched her stumble in the hall, rubbing her eyes. I laughed when she ran into a wall.

My legs carried me over to the wobbling figure in the hall. I held her shoulders, holding her balance for her.

"Still soar?" I whispered into her ear.

I saw the tip of lip slightly tug up.

"What do you think?" she looked up to me with her stunning blue eyes.

"Here," I trailed my hands down her back, "let me help."


Niall swept me off my feet.

My arms naturally found their way around her neck, my head rested on his chest.

I was placed on the coach, with the blanket still draped around me.

"I'll make you breakfast." Niall smiled and walked to the kitchen.

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