Chapter 8

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It was 11, only and hour until the date I had been dreading. I was sitting out on my balcony. It was quiet and peaceful. I sat soaking in the warmth of the sun with my knees pulled up to my chest.

"Sarah!.... Sarah!" I heard a familiar Irish voice call out. But he was no where in sight. I got up and slightly leaned over my railing to find Niall climbing up the old latter covered in vines on the side of my house.

"Oh my god Niall!" I said with wide eyes, "what the hell are you doing?!"

"At the moment," he chocked "trying not to fall."

I reached out my arms to help him over the balcony. We both stumbled back laughing. When the laughter came to a stop we both gave off awkward looks as we realized Niall was on top of me and I remained under him. He quickly sprang up off of me, the air still filled with awkwardness. Thankfully he decided to break it.

****NIALLS POV****

"So you still going with him?" I refused to say his name, it made me cringe. Sarah was so young and delicate how could any one want to use her the way I know josh was planning to.

"Not unless I die within the next hour." I could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Why can't you just say no?" I didn't want that creep anywhere near her.

"Because he scares me niall." I could hear her voice begin to shake, "I've heard stories... About the last girl that said no."

Scared to hear the answer I asked, "what happened?"

"He... He punched her... In the face.... Hard. I don't want him to punch me." Tears began to fill her bright blue eyes.

"So you're going to let him rape you instead?!" I snapped at her. I know she didn't have many options but the thought of it sickened me.

"Why do you even care?" she quietly asked. Her voice was filled with fear, not of me but of the fact that she knew I was right.

"Because I care about you!" My eyes locked with hers. I hadn't meant to say that it just came out.

"You... You wha-" Sarah couldn't speak she was just as stunned as I was.

"I want us to be friends Sarah. I haven't told anyone but I really need a friend right now..." I found it impossible to meet her gaze, scared that I had said too much.

"I want us to be friends too." Her words brought a smile to my face as I looked to her with a glowing smile on her flawless appearance. "Thank you for caring. It means a lot considering I'm just..."


"I'm just..." The last word refused to escape my mouth.

"Broken?" Niall had finished my sentence, I gave him a questioning look.

"H-how did you know that?" I wiped away a tear I didn't realized had escaped down my cheek.

"I am too." His response took me by surprise.


"I am too." I had never told anyone but I knew I could trust Sarah.

"I... I..." Sarah began to cry again. I couldn't bare to see her so sad. I made my way over to her side wrapping my arms around her. She didn't react, I felt as if I had made a mistake, I was proven wrong when she leaned her head onto my shoulder. I felt the wet droplets hit my shirt as she continued to sob. I picked up her chin to face me, wiping away the tears with my thumb. Even when she cried she was beautiful.

"Hey..." I started, "I have gaps, you have gaps, together we can fill the gaps." I saw a smile appear on her face before she berried it into the crook of my neck, wrapping her arms around me as I did the same to her.

"Thank you Niall." She mumbled into my neck, making my lips curve into a smile. As she looked up to me her lips had done the same. My grin grew bigger knowing I was the reason for the smile on her face. At that moment we were not broken, just bent.

Broken (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin