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"I really wanna love somebody! I really wanna dance the night away!" My phone sang my favorite song until it finally got me up. I slowly hit the answer button as I slumped out of my bed.

"Hello." I mumbled into the phone with my morning groan.

"Morning beautiful." The familiar Irish voice instantly woke me up. I had almost forgotten that it was our one month anniversary!

"Heyyyy" I yawned into the phone. "Happy 1 month!"

"You too babe!"

Babe. I loved the sound of him calling me that. Even though we weren't dating I just loved it!

"Look out on your balcony."

"Why?" I yawned yet again into the phone.

"Just do it. I'll pick you up in an hour. And brush your teeth I can smell your breath threw the phone." I heard him chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Oh shut up!" I snapped.

All I heard was Niall's deep chuckle.

"I'll see you in an hour." I hung up the phone. Looking down at the screen, the time showed 8:30! Ugh Niall better have something good planned if he's getting me up before noon. My mum wasn't even awake yet.

I headed for the hall before I remembered what Niall had said. There was something for me on the balcony. I opened the doors. On the one small chair sitting out there was a red rose with an envelope.

To: my best friend in the whole world

From: Niall xx <3

I opened the envelope. There was a long letter. I read every word with my grin growing wider.

Dear Sarah,

It's only been a month but it has been the best month of my life! You brighten up my day! I can't help but smile when I'm with you! I never thought I could find someone has perfect as you. You're gorgeous in every single way. You're smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen. You're eyes are deep like the ocean. YOU are stunning. You are the most amazing person I have met in my entire life! Thank you for being in my life. My life has been perfect ever since you came into it. I'm so happy to have you as my best friend! You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy 1 month,babe.


Niall xx =)

Could he be any more amazing?! Even when he called me babe in a letter it gave me butterflies. He always knows what to say. With every word I read I came a little closer to falling for him.

As my feet walked onto the cold wood of my hall may I popped back into my room and slipped on my bunny slippers. I finally reached the bottom of the stairs after slowly making my way down. I was rubbing both eyes as I walked. My vision was blurred from the rubbing.

When I reached the bottom of the steps a hand from behind was placed over my mouth. A strong arm around my stomach. The arms pulled me backwards as I stumbled over my feet. I tried to scream. I tried to get away. It was no use the arms around me were strong. I was trapped.

"Shhhhhh." I heard the mystery man speak.

"Happy one month." I heard a voice with an accent that was all too familiar. Niall.

I smacked at his biceps. Before he finally let me go. I spun around to see Niall on the floor laughing. He had tears in his eyes, his laughter was the loudest I have ever heard at this point.

I pounded my fist to his back.

"You scared the shit out of me! You ass hole! I hate you!"

Niall's laughter came to a stop. My small fists were still pounding at his biceps.

"Hey! Hey! Ow!" He called out to me. He grabbed my wrists in his large hands.

"You're such a jerk." I spoke holding back a smile.

"Here let me fix it." He leaned in over me and planted a kiss on my lips. I was lying on the floor while Niall hovered over me. Our lips separated. Niall still over me. We just looked at each other.

"Come on." Niall smiled to me, "lets make pancakes." He pecked me once more before climbing off of me.


Sarah and I walked into the kitchen. She searched the pantry for the pancake mix.

"How did you even get in?" She asked with her back to me.


"Wait! What?!" Sarah snapped around to me. "So you were in my room while I was SLEEPING?!"

I couldn't help but chuckle of the image of her sleeping.

"Yeah. You looked so cute."

"Nialllll!" Her cheeks grew to be red.

*tweet* Sarah's phone went off with my notification.

I saw her pic up her phone and look to the tweet.

"NIALL!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She was furious.

I ran up to her room. She was right behind me.


My phone went off with a twitter notification.

@NiallOfficial: Happy one month babe! @sarahcaise


It was a picture of me... SLEEPING!!!!

I chased Niall up my stairs to my room.

"Take one more step and teddy gets it!" Niall threatened. He was holding my teddy bear over the balcony.

"No! Niall don't!" I stopped dead in my tracks.


I gave Sarah an evil smirk. The teddy bear still firm in my grip, I walked over to Sarah.

"Give him back." Sarah grabbed at the toy, missing by far.

"You gotta kiss me first."

Sarah placed her hand on the back of my neck. She brought my face down closer to hers. She reached her free hand behind my back. I was to focused on the kiss to realize she had grabbed the teddy bear. Once she had the toy she ran away, down, and down the hall.

I heard a loud thunk.

"Sarah!" I ran down the hall to the stairs. Sarah was on the ground with blood streaming down her leg. I ran down to her side picking her up bridal style.

"Niall I'm fine." She giggled.

"Where are your bandaids?"

"Open the cabinet. Bottom shelf." She had a small smirk on her stunning face.

I wiped the blood away with a wash cloth and stuck the bandaid to her knee.

"Thanks." She smiled.

I gave her boo-boo a small kiss.

"Niall, I'm fine." She talked through laughs.

"You're an idiot that what you are." I joked with her.

"Ow, Niall." She said putting her hand to her heart, "words hurt."

I pulled her legs from on top of the counter to dangle over the edge. I stepped between her knees and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"You're my idiot."

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