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I woke up in the morning to the bright morning sun.

When I turned my head I saw Niall, still sleeping. I pressed my lips to his, giving him a soft kiss.

When I pulled away I saw his lips curve into a smile.

"Morning princess." Niall spoke with his eyes still closed.

I swear, a guy's morning voice is probably one of the most attractive things in the world!

"Morning." My voice was quiet.

Niall wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. We both just sat there for a while. Niall's eyes still closed while I played with his fingers, until his hand was pulled from mine.

Niall got up from the bed.


I left Sarah in the bed while I walked to the bathroom. I was just about the brush my messy hair when I heard a thump followed by an ow.

"You okay?" I walked into the bedroom to see Sarah on the floor.

"Yeah... Just a little sore." Sarah looked to the ground but I could see the blush on her cheeks.

I helped her up to her feet.

"Get used to it." I joked with a wink.


Niall walked away. His smirk gave off the sense of accomplishment, knowing he gave me jelly legs.

Once I found the bag Niall had packed for me I got ready for the day, sitting whenever I could.

After I finished I grabbed my phone from the charger. I had way too many twitter and Instagram notifications!

I usually get a lot since I'm dating one of the most famous boys on the planet but today their were definitely more!

I checked Instagram first.

There were plenty of pictures of Niall and I kissing on stage and hundreds of Niall and I at the hotel.

"You're fans are really creepy." I called to Niall who was brushing his teeth.

One specific picture stood out to me. It was a zoomed in picture of the ring Niall gave me.

'Are Niall and Sarah engaged?! Is Narah taking it a step further?!'

'It's a promise ring.' I commented back.

Twitter was the same thing basically.

The typical tweets.

'Saw Narah get a hotel room last night! Bet someone lost their v-card ;) #NarahForever'

'Narah spent the night at a hotel. They're so cute! Sarah would give Niall anything, including her virginity;) #NarahForever'

'Niall and Sarah stayed at my hotel last night!!! Heard some knocks on the wall, bet it was them. #NarahForever'

I guess Narah was our ship name.

As I scrolled through the tweets, mostly about my no longer virgin status and the occasional hate tweets, I felt Niall's arms wrap around my waist and look over my shoulder.

"Does the entire world know I'm a virgin?" I joked.

"Was!" Niall corrected me.

I just laughed and pushed at his chest.


When we arrived back at the bus I was grabbed by the shoulders.

"Are the tweets true?!" Louis yelled in my face "did you guys finally do it?!"

"Hell yeah!" Niall called back.


"Serious?" Louis questioned. Asking me more than Niall.

What was with his obsession with Niall and I's sex life?!

"Yes, Louis! Niall and I had sex!" I shouted back. I pulled away from his grip.

"Awww! little Sarah's growing up." Harry patted at my head.

I smacked his hand away and walked over to the couch. I winced in pain when I bent my legs.

"Someone's soar." Zayn mumbled.

"Oh shut it!" I snapped back at him, throwing a pillow across the bus, receiving a small chuckle from the rest of the boys.

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