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I was fast asleep when the bright light of the sun beamed into my eyes. I squinted my eyes, adjusting to the bright morning light. I shifted my body around to see Niall sleeping. When I tried to get up my movement was restricted. Niall's arms were still tightly rapped around my body. I tried to pry myself free from his grasp when I was pulled back into his body.

"Where are you going?" He mumbled into my back.

"It's time to wake up Nialler." I poked at his biceps. Damn they were rock hard!

"Noooooo!" He whined.

Wow this was weird! Usually he was the one trying to get me out of bed!

"Come on! Get up!"

I began to sprinkle his face with small, wet kisses. The corner of his lip began to curve up into a smile.

"Ok! Ok! I'm getting up!" His morning voice mumbled. Is there anything hotter than a guys morning voice?!

I jumped up, off the mattress and changed into my comfiest shorts and a loose button up shirt. All before Niall could even get out of bed. Niall slowly brought his body from under the blankets and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

I bent down to search for my shoes in my closet.

"Niall." I talked back to him "I can feel you staring at me."

"Well when you wear those shorts what do you expect?"

I felt a slap to my bum. I snapped my body back to the right up position. Niall played a cheeky smirk on his face. Before making his way to his house to get fresh cloths.

"I'm waking up! I feel it in my bones! Enough to make my system blow!" I sang along to the music as I finished getting ready, using my hair brush as a microphone.

"Welcome to the new age to the new age!" I loudly sang

I jumped a little to the sound of an Irish voice singing the next part.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup! Lego!" I said taking his hand in mine and skipping down the halls.


Sarah skipped around the entire walk to the barn. She was acting like a little kid, it was probably one of the most adorable things ever.

Sarah skipped past the field and into the barn.


We finally reached the barn when I realized we hadn't explored the entire structure. There was still the she's behind the building.

"Niall!" I called out to Niall who had already begun to work on the barn again.

After he joined me at the shed I opened the large doors. Dust blowing in all direction, causing both of us to cough.

Inside was a large, old, dusty tractor. Next to the large metal tractor was a smaller object, covered by a stained sheet.

My curiosity stays glued on the sheet covered object. My legs carried me over to the tarp. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it off to reveal partially built motorcycle.

I remember my dad started building it, but he need got the chance to finish it.

My vision was brought back to the tractor when I heard the engine try to start. Niall had hopped on to the tractor. Niall turned the key three times before giving up.

"I bet I could fix that."

"Yeah right." Niall said, jumping down from the seat.

"Wanna bet?"

"Fine! You can have one week. Loser buys dinner." Niall huffed.

"Starting tomorrow. I wanna finish putting together the bike." I gestured to the half of a motorcycle.

"Let's get going, babe." Niall clapped his hand together before grabbing the tool box from the shelf.

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