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I haven't laughed this much in weeks. I was glad that Niall didn't forget about me. Even when I tried to shut him out he stayed. He never left my side.

"I love you too." His words gave me butterflies. What if one day those words meant something more then in a friendly, joking matter. Wait did I just say that? I'm with josh what was I thinking. I'm so confused right now! I didn't want to be with Josh right now but I still did want to be with him at the same time. All we had been doing lately was fighting. Every day would be filled with words of hate and every night I would cry myself to sleep. Why did everything always end up shattering to pieces? Why did I always end up broken?

It had been three hours. Three of the greatest hours I could remember in weeks. All because I was with Niall. All we did was play games, talk, laugh and just enjoying one another's presence. When the laughs and conversations came to a stop I spoke in a tone not as happy as it had previously been

"I should go talk to josh."

Niall's smile went away just as quick as mine did.


"He's still my boyfriend."

"He doesn't deserve you!"

"Stop! I'm going over there now ill talk to you later."

As I made my way outside I stopped dead in my tracks to realize it was raining hard. I pulled up my hood and started walking to Josh's house.

"Sarah!" I heard an Irish voice call out behind me. I turned around to see Niall standing in the rain behind me.


I was running out of time. I had to make things right. This was my last chance. The rain was soaking my cloths but I could care less.

"Sarah!" I had to stop her. She turned to look at me. We were just a few feet apart.

"Please don't go back to him."

"Why are you so against him?"

"He's not right for you!"

"Niall he's my boyfriend just except that!"

The tension began to rise between us.

"I cant! I can't except that Sarah!" I shouted.


"Because it's not right! You don't belong with him! This isn't how it should be!"

"How do you know that?!"

There was only one way to prove it. I marched over to her swinging my arm around her waist, pulling her body into mine. My free hand held the back of her neck as I smashed my lips to hers. In just a second her arms were placed around my neck. Our lips moved together. It was passionate, romantic, perfect. When our lips were pulled apart I looked into her gorgeous eyes and spoke.

"This is how it should be." A smile grew on her lips and I knew this was right.

"Just kiss me again."

Our lips connected again. I could feel the butterflies erupt. There were sparks. I had never been so happy. I wiped my tongue over her lower lip as she allowed my entrance. Her arms draped around my neck. I lifted her legs up around my waist as she leaned against the car behind us. The rain continued to pour but we didn't care. The kiss was passionate and loving. We would have continued but we were interrupted by the voice I had been dreading.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" we both jumped at the sound of josh's voice. He marched over to us, ignoring me and grabbing Sarah by the forearm.

"YOU LITTLE HO!" Josh yelled shoving Sarah in front of him.

"Josh, please I didn't-"


Sarah was silent in fear as the tears ran down her skin.

"YOU'RE A BITCH! A WHORE!" with every word he pushed her a she stumbled back with each one. She tried to get away from him but he took her small arm and pulled her up to his face.

"You're a slut." He slapped her across the face. Sarah fell to the ground in tears. Josh raised his fist to her. I jumped in front of her taking the blow. Unprepared for my defense josh was unsure of his next move. I grabbed him by the collar pushing and knocking him down the the ground. I stepped over him still gripping his collar to the shirt.

"YOU'RE A WASTE OF SPACE!" I raised my fist thrusting it back to Josh's face. "YOU'RE A WASTE OF LIFE!" a continued to bash in his face. I was brought to a stop by Sarah's sweet voice.

"Niall you're going to kill him!"

"He's better off dead."

Unexpectedly josh swung my around so I lay on the ground this time. He thought to much of himself. He was older then me but I could easily take him down. I raised my feet to his chest and flung him over to his back returning to the previous position.

I looked to him again raising his face off the ground to look to mine.

"If you ever touch her again I will end you." With that I dropped him to the ground.


Niall had saved me again. He was my superman, my rock, my best friend, and most of all he was my other half. After I brought his violent rage to an end he made his way to my side wrapping is arms protectively around me. I was still in tears. My cheek was red from Josh's powerful smack, and my knee and elbow were dripping blood from my collision with the rough ground of the street.

Josh was battered and bruised as he looked up to me with a bloody nose.


He sat there with his hand out waiting for me to take it. Something I would never do again.

"We're done josh." I spoke with tears still streaming from my eyes.

He looked to me with no emotion. All I could see was darkness. Cold, despair, heartless darkness. Shows how much he cared. Not even a tear. Niall was right the whole time, Josh was only using me.

We left him in the street to be. I tried to take a step to my house but failed as I fell to ground. My knees were weak. Niall picked me up bridal style. As he carried me all I could do was take in his figure. I sat there looking up and my savior. My angel.

__________________________ A/N: thanks for the comments and getting me to 100 reads. Keep commenting and voting my crazy mofos :P <3

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