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Sarah crashed her lips to mine back stage, taking me by surprise.

When I realized what was going on I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her as close as possible.

Eventually, I had to pull back.

"Thank you, Niall." Sarah pulled me in for a tight hug.

When our bodies separated, my hand found hers as we walked to the parking lot.


I started to walk to the bus when I was pulled the other way.

"What about my dress?" I questioned Niall, who was leading me away from the bus with my cloths.

"I don't think you'll need that." Niall smirked. I just looked at him with a bit of confusion.

We got into a small black limo before I could ask questions.

"I thought you said we were going out for dinner?" my statement came out as a question.

"I may have fibbed a little bit." Niall said.

Before I could ask where we were going Niall's lips attacked mine.


I could feel Sarah smile into the kiss as my body inched closer and closer, eventually, Sarah was backed up to the door. Her hands snaked around my neck while I held her sides.

A small squeak left Sarah's lips when I pinched at her sides.

Our foreheads were pressed to each others.

"You're blushing." I smiled.

Sarah curved her lips into a small smile before hiding her face in her hands with embarrassment.

I tried to pull her face out of her hands. She wouldn't budge.

"Sarah. Come ooouuutttt." I cooed.

"No." She mumbled into her palms.

"Saaaaarrrrraaaaaahhhhh." I slid my hand down her thigh and squeezed at her knee. She jumped up from her seat with red cheeks.

Two seconds later the car stopped short, sending Sarah falling on top of me.

"We're here." I helped her up from my body.


Niall climbed out of the car and over to my side and opened the door. A hand was extended to mine, grabbing it in his.

I looked up to see the most beautiful, white marble, hotel with roses scattered around the walk way.

I continued to look around to the amazing decor until Niall and I stopped in front of a door.

Niall opened the door to reveal an almost pitch black room. We stepped in.

I scooted close to Niall's side when he closed the door behind us, leaving us in the black.

I was never good with the dark.

My arms wrapped around his body, holding him close. I felt his arm hold me firmly around the waist as we walked further into the black.

When we reached a stop a light was switched on.

My grip on Niall loosened. My eyes became wide at what the light revealed.

Rose pedals were scattered around the floor of the small room. Against the middle of the back wall was a large bed.

My hands were brought to my mouth.

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