Chapter 15

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The weekend, that seemed to go by all too fast, had ended. My world had been spinning out if control. Josh had gone and flipped out on me and the only place I felt safe was in Niall's arms. He comforted me. But I knew soon everything would be back to normal.

I was getting books from my locker. When I turned my books were dropped from my grasp as I was slammed back to the lockers, my breathe being knocked out of me. My arms were brought to the cold metal and held above my head, encased by two large hands of a junior I had seen smoking and dealing drugs multiple times before. He had a reputation. He was bad and I wanted nothing to do with him.

"Hi I'm chris. Aren't you a cute little sophomore." His raspy voice said as he inched his face closer to mine. I turned my head trying to make as much space between us as possible, my attempts proved to be fruitless.

"Get away from me." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh baby, that's not gunna happen." Chris spoke to me with an evil smirk.

"I have a boyfriend."

"What's he gunna do to me, huh?" Just then he brought his menacing lips to my neck, fiercely sucking. I winced in pain. I said the first thing that came to mind.

"JOSH!" my voice echoed through the halls. Chris continued to suck on my fare skin. I squeezed my eyes shut as he nibbled on the now red mark he had planted in my neck. I fell to my knees when Chris' tight grip released my wrists. I crawled away to the corner of the locker bay as I watched Chris be pushed up to the locker, being slammed against it multiple times by an unknown figure. My rescuer wore a black hoodie, hiding his face. A crowd had formed around the two and brynn and cami had found there way to my side as I remained startled on the cold ground. Over all the shouting of the students I could just barley hear a deep male voice yell to Chris,

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH HER EVER AGAIN!" The one who had saved me pushed his way through the crowd as his black hood fell from his head as he looked to me. Our eyes locked, his filled with anger, not towards me but to Chris. He looked away without saying a word. My breath continued to pant fast.

"Sarah! Sarah!" I could hear brynn and cami shouting to me but I couldn't bring myself to speak. When Brynn began to shake me I was brought back to my senses.

"Who was that?!"

"W-who?" I was confused and lost in a startled mental state. It all just happened to quickly.

"The guy who just saved you!" Cami shouted.


It was Niall.

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