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I was woken up by 5 singing boys.

"It's time to get up in the morning... IT'S TIME GO GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP! IT TIME, TIME, TIME TO GET UP!"

I just pulled my pillow over my head.

"Sarah!" Louis poked at y side, causing me to twitch under the blankets.

"I'm up." I mumbled into the bed.

"Get up!" This time Liam poked at my tickle spot.

"I'm getting up!" I groaned.

"Come on babe." Niall tapped at my bum. I shewed his hand away.
This time I just groaned into the pillow.

"Wake up!" Zayn shook my shoulders.


"Sarah, get your lazy ass out of bed!" Bo called from the kitchen. I didn't bother responding.

"Saraaaaaahhh." Harry's finger poked my stomach. I twitched again.

"I'm up." I said, even though I clearly wasn't.

"I think this calls for extreme measures." I heard Niall joke.

This couldn't be good.

"GET HER!" I heard Harry shout.

Five sets of hands pocked at my stomach. I jumped and twitched under the blanket. This was torture.

Once they were finished I went back to sleep.

They all gave up and left, except for Niall.

"Get up." He poked at my face.

"I'm up." I tried to wave Niall away.

"Get up." Every time he poked at my cheek

"I'm up."

"Get up."

"I'M UP!" this time I shot out of bed.

"Yay!" Niall pecked my cheek "today it's just you and me!"

Niall got up from sitting on the bed and basically skipped out of the room. I slipped into my fuzzy slippers and dragged myself into the living room.

I smelt pancakes from the kitchen.


"Niall bring me a pancake!" Sarah yelled from the couch. Sarah was super grumpy in the mornings now because of her period.

I brought her a pancake, she finished it in a matter of minutes!

Harry got up for a drink.

"Harry, get me a cup of orange juice." Sarah demanded.

"Get it yourself." Harry told her. Bad move.

"GET ME A FREAKING CUP OF ORANGE JUICE!" Sarah was practically screaming.

Harry stopped what he was doing and got Sarah her juice.

"Sarah, we all know you're on your period, but-"

"LOUIS!" I warned him. Sarah was giving him the death stare.
"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you."

"Ohhhhh. Now I get why Sarah's so grumpy." Liam spoke out.

"Idiots." Sarah mumbled. I let out a small laugh.

She was normally better after breakfast.


***BO'S POV***

Niall and Sarah had been out all morning. We decided to meet back at the lake around 1 to go swimming.

We all waited for their arrival to start swimming.

When Sarah took off her coverup something was different.

"Sarah." I investigated. "What's that on your back. On your shoulder to be exact? Is that a tattoo?!"

"Do you like it? Niall and I got matching ones." She was so unsure about the new design to her skin.

"Aww! That's so cute! Turn around, let me see it!"

I read the script on her shoulder. It was a small, but bold, cursive.

Infinite Forever.

"It's perfect!" It wasn't too big or small. It wasn't flashy but not dull. It was just right.


I absolutely loved the tattoo! It was there forever! Those two words meant so much to me! Niall was my infinite forever.

This time when everyone went in the water, I pushed Niall in.
We swam around and hung out on the boat for the rest of the day! When night fell we all walked into town to get ice cream.

Every now and then there was the occasional flash of the camera and some squealing fans.


After ice cream we were all hyper from the sugar surging through our bodies. We stopped at the store and bought two movies. The possession and grown ups.

We watched the possession first. The entire time Sarah squeezed my hand as hard as she could. I think I lost feeling in some of my fingers. She was cuddled into my chest. I admit, even I was a little shaken up by parts of the movie.

By the time we finished both movies, Sarah had fallen asleep in my arms. I carried her to the bed. As I pulled up the blankets Sarah began to talk in her sleep.

"I love you." She mumbled, barley audible.

"You too." I whispered and kissed her cheek.

I know she was just dreaming and it probably wasn't meant for me but maybe one day it will be.

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