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Next class was shop.

We ended up having a free period because we had a substitute who knew nothing about shop class.

We got a new student today. Her name was Bo. Her skin was slightly tanned. Her hair was dark brown, almost black, and perfectly straight.

Bo took the seat next to me.

"Hi I'm Sarah." I held out my hand.

"Bo." She shook my hand. "Aren't you Niall's girlfriend?"

"Yesss." I groaned. "And please don't ask to meet the guys or anything like that."

Bo let out a small laugh. "I'm not going to. I'm not an insane fan. I'm actually friends with Harry."


"Yeah. We've been good friends since we were little."

Finally someone who wasn't a crazed fan!

"Do you know any of the other boys?"

"Yeah. I've actually met Niall a few times. I live right around the block from him."

"Seriously?! I'm his neighbor."

"Cool! So we live right by each other."

"We should hang out some time."

"Yeah totally."

"Wanna by today after school?"

"I'm actually trying out for the soccer team."

"I'm on the team!"

"No way!"

"Yeah! You can come over after soccer."

"Sounds like a plan."


A/N: I just love fanfic Dark so I brought in Bo! Not stealing anything! I promise! It's still all about Nialler

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