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****NIALLS POV****

I can't believe this was happening.

I completely broke down in tears. I just stood there on stage waiting to hear my name called out, and it wasn't.

After I hung up with Sarah, nine people who hadn't gotten through we're called on to the stage. Four girls and four other guys, not including myself.

I stood on the sage with four other lads. Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik.

"Hello." Cheryl spoke into the mic. We all chimed a hello back.

"Thank you so much for coming back. I know, judging from some of your faces, that this is really hard. We've thought long and hard about it and we thought of each of you as individuals and we just feel that you're too talented to let go of. We think it would be a great idea to have two separate groups."

What did this mean? What's going on?

"We've decided to put you both through." Simon said.

We all jumped with joy!

I could either go home or be part of a band. BAND!

This was my future! I came here as a solo artist and I'll be leaving in a band. I never would have seen this coming. It was a complete shock, but I'm glad it happened.

As the night went on, I got so busy, I had forgotten to call Sarah.


It had been awhile. I hadn't talked to Niall and I missed my boo.

All I received from him was a text the night after he said he hadn't gotten through.

'Not coming home. Put in a band. Can't talk much. Really busy. Miss you! Niall.xx'

It was the day of the finals when Niall finally called.

"Thanks for finally calling!" I laughed into the phone.

"Sorry babe. I've been really busy!"

"It's ok. I get it. So you're in a band now?! Congrats!"

"Yeah! It's incredible. I can't wait for you to meet the lads!"

"Me neither!"

"I gotta go we're performing soon. Later babe!"

"Bye I miss you!"

"Miss you more! Bye!"

I watched every episode. They were amazing! As talented as I thought Niall was, I'm glad he was put into One Direction. He worked a lot better in a group.

They had made it into the finals.

Brynn and Cami had come over to watch them preform with me.

"The curly haired one is cute!" Cami hooted.

"I like that one!" Brynn pointed to Liam.

"That's Liam." I added.

"Have you met them?" Cami asked.

"No not yet. I will when they come home." I walked to the couch with a bowl of popcorn.

Their performance started. They all were amazing!

When all the performances had finished all five of the boys had nervous looks fixed on their faces.

They didn't make it. They ended up in third place. I was waiting for the phone call from Niall. I didn't get a call, but I got a text.

'Sorry, can't call, wish I could. I'll see you soon. Niall.xx'

I missed hearing his voice.

•••NEXT DAY•••


I woke up with my cheeks still red from all the tears from last night. I was devastated about losing. As much as I missed Sarah, I didn't want to be sent home this way. The first thing I did was grab my phone to call Sarah.

"Hey babe." I said when she answered the phone.

"How have you been?"

"I don't know... At least I'll be able to see you."

"You did the best you could, Ni. You guys were amazing."



"Niall, Simon wants to see us." Liam called from the hall. I have him a nod.


"Hey babe I gotta go I'll call you later. I'll be home tomorrow." I talked back to the phone. My last sentence dry and flat.


When we walked into the office I wasn't sure what to think. Simon made it very clear from the start that he was only going to sign the winner.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

"Syco will take you boys on in the morning."

Simon was signing us! I would have never seen this coming! Everything was working out! We were getting signed and I would be able to see Sarah tomorrow!

But there was one small flaw. We would be doing an x-factor tour. I would have to leave Sarah again. But this time it would be a lot longer.

How was I suppose to do that?

How was I suppose to tell her?

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