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We waited in line for what seemed liked hours. I never let go of Sarah's hand. My grip around her hand was firm and tight. I was so nervous!

What if my voice cracked? What if I forgot the lines? What if I froze up in stage? What if the judges didn't like me? What if I tripped going on stage?

What if the lights fell?! What if I pass out?! What if I embarrass myself so badly that Sarah is embarrassed to be seen with me in public?!?!

Ok, now I was over thinking things.

After a long period of time went by, I was almost next.

"Niall Horan?" A female voice called to me.

I stepped out of the line and was greeted by a girl around my age.

She had a clipboard and a head phone set on. She handed me a microphone.

"Good luck cutie." She said as she handed me the mic. Her view fell from me to Sarah, her smile instantly went away. I looked down to see Sarah with a evil glare towards the girl. With that, she walked away.

I stood by the entrance, walking back and forth. I ran my fingers through my hair. I was so scared.


It was obvious Niall was scared to death about his audition.

His mum held him by his shoulders.

"Niall, stop worrying!"

"I cant!" He ripped away from her grip.

The performer before him was being evaluated by the judges. Niall's face grew to a view of panic.

"I-I can't do this!" Niall stuttered.

"Ni, stop it!" I held his hands. "You have an amazing voice! You're going to be perfectly fine! I promise!"

"But what if-" Niall started

"No!" I cut him off, "no what ifs!"

"Niall Horan." The assistant called out, "two minutes."

"I don't know if I can do this." Niall's voice was shaking.

I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine, smashing out lips together. When I pulled away, he had a look of confidence. He was still nervous, I could tell. But the the scared was hidden.

"Go rock that stage."

He smiled to me before pulling me in for a quick hug and turning to the stage.



I walked onto stage, there was no turning back now.

"What's your name?" The first judge, Louis, asked when I reached center stage.


"Niall, Niall what?" He questioned.


"Why are you here today?"

"I'm here to be the best artist I can in the world." Each word was completely honest and true.

"And how old are you?"

"I'm 16." My hands were getting sweaty.

"So are you like an Irish Justin Bieber?"

"I recon so." I looked up to JB. I appreciated being compared to him.

The next judge to speak was Katy Perry. THE Katy Perry!

"Is this going to make you really popular at school?" She loudly asked.

"Yeah, I suppose so, yeah." I'm not sure. Would this?

"Off you go." Louis announced.

I brought the mic to my mouth and began to sing.

"Dododododo do. Oh yeah. I gotta change my answering machine and now that I'm alone and cause right now it says that we can't come to the phone and I know it makes no sense cause you walked out the door but it's the only way I hear your voice anymore."

I took the mic from my voice. I was shaking. Did I do ok?

Katy was the first to speak.

"I think you're adorable," the words poured from her mouth, "and you have crisma. I just think that maybe you should work on it. You're only 16, I started out when I was 15, I didn't make it until I was 23."

After she finished Simon Cowell began to speak.

"I think you're unprepared. I think you came with the wrong song. You're most as good as you thought you were." His words brought me doubt about my skills. "But I still like you."

Next was Cheryl.

"You're obviously adorable, you've got a lot of charm for a 16 year old." Why thank you, "but you need more experience."

That sort of was true. I never sang besides for fun.

Louis, who seemed to be the nicest so far, began to speak.

"Niall, I think you've got something." I liked him, "I think that people would absolutely like you because you're likeable."

"What did you say?" Simon asked Louis.

"I think people will like him just because he's likeable, not because he's Irish." Simon and Louis began on a conversation.

"So people will like him because he's likeable?" Simon snapped.

"Shut up!" I laughed at Louis' comment.

"Simon yes or no." This was it.

"I'm gunna say yes." I was honestly expecting a no from Simon.

"I'm gunna say no." Cheryl let out. I but at my lip. It was happening, I was doubting myself.

"I'm gunna say yes!" Louis was an obvious yes. All that was left was Katy. She had to say one word. Depending on what she said could make me or break me. "Katy he needs three yeses."

My hands were clammy. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"Can I just say that I agree with Cheryl." Katy started, this wasn't going anywhere good. "You do need more experience, and by the way, just if you're likeable, likeableness is not going to solve everything. It's talent, and you have... A seed of it."

Here it comes I was prepared for the worst.

"Of course you're in."

I'm in?! I did it! This was insane!

I couldn't control my excitement, I jumped up high with joy.

My life was about to change for the best.

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