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After four long ours on a bus on the bus we were finally home.

Of course, I didn't have a key to my house and my mum was at work all day and night.

"Come on, you can stay at my place." Niall grabbed my hand as we walked over to his house.

He knocked at the door before it was opened by his older brother Greg.

"SARAH!" he shouted when he saw me.

"Wow thanks." Niall murmured.

I let out a small laugh then walked into the house behind Niall to be greeted by Mrs. Horan.

"Sarah got locked out. Can she spend the night?" Niall asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Of course!" Mrs. Horan shouted, "Sarah, you're welcome anytime!"


Before it got too late, I took a shower.

Once I finished I walked into my room to see Sarah standing out on my balcony.

I enveloped her in a hug from behind, and arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulder.

"Hey." I quietly spoke when she didn't react.

She still just stood there looking at the stars. I brought my lips to her cheek and began to trail down to her neck.

"Niallll." She whined.

I knew she was being grumpy because of we period.

I kissed at her jaw line.

"Stop." She tried to pry from my grasp.

I berried my face into the crook of we neck.

"Where's the Sarah I know and love?" I joked.

I knew it was her period making her act like this, but I know she could go without being grumpy still.

I kissed just under her jaw, in the middle of her neck. Still no reaction.

I fell down to her sweet spot.

She let out a small whimper but returning to her previous state of no emotion quickly.

"Sarahhh." I whined, "stop being grumpy. Where's my Sarah? The fun Sarah."

She still didn't answer.

I missed the fun Sarah, and I was gunna get her.

I pinched at her sides, making her slightly twitch against my body. The corner of her lip slightly pulled up to a small smile.

"Don't." She warned.


Niall gave me an evil look.

I slowly took his arms from around my waist. I knew what he was planning.

I walked into his room, facing him. My hands held his away from my sides.

"Don't." I knew he was planning on tickling me.

He inched closer and closer.

Just as he got dangerously close I ran for the exit. Niall chased after me.

I ran to the stairs and basically fell down them. I turned around to see Niall hot on my heels. I ran into the kitchen and then the living room.

There weren't many places to run, I headed for the door.

My hands fumbled with the lock before turning the knob.

Niall followed me into the cold air of the dark night.

I ran around the house with Niall directly behind me.

At one point, the sound of Niall's footsteps came to a stop.

I stopped running, catching my breath. I turned in circles looking for Niall. Where did he go?


I watched, hidden, as Sarah spun in circles in search of where I had disappeared to.

When she stopped spinning I pounced onto her, sending us flying to the ground with a shriek from Sarah.

My hands pinched and poked at her sides. She wiggled and gasped for air beneath me.

"N-niall!" She spoke through laughs.

My actions slowed down, allowing her catch her breath.

She still laughed. She grabbed my shoulders and I was flung under her straddle.

Her face was brought down to mine, our foreheads touching, staring into each others blue eyes, both wearing wide smiles.

"There she is." My Sarah was back.

She held my face her hands and pulled me to her. Her lips were crashed to mine.

My hands placed to her side. My grip tightened causing her to jump.

I poked at her side again and again before she wiggled out of my grip.

She began to run until I grabbed at her hand, swinging her body into mine. My hands at her waste, she tried to run from me but became weak at the knees when I squeezed at her sides.

She squealed loud and held my shoulders to stay standing.

She backed up into my house, trying to get away from me. I closed the space between us with a kiss. Her hands around my shoulders, one fisting my hair and the other grabbing the nape of my neck.

Her lips smiled into the kiss when her feet were lifted from the ground.

We continued to kiss until interrupted.

"Hey! Lets keep this PG guys." Greg came out side.

I looked to Sarah, her cheeks splashed with red.

My hand found hers while we walked back inside.

We walked into my room to get ready for bed.

Sarah slept in an old t-shirt of mine that fell a little past her hips.

It wasn't too late, and Sarah and I were both wide awake.

Silence fell.

"Niall?" Sarah's quiet voice broke the silence.


"Have you though about how things are going to change now?"

"What do you mean?"

"With your tours an everything and how it's going to effect us."

"Nothing's going to change between us."

Her body shifted to face me.

"How do you know?" She looked up to me with almost puppy eyes.

"Because I won't let that happen."

As small smile played on her lips. I placed a kiss to her head.

Sarah snuggled into my chest and dozed off. I followed soon after.

Broken (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon