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I was up, dressed, and ready by 6:00am. I made my way outside. It was too early to go to Sarah's, but she was suppose to come with me. I picked up all the pebbles I could find and threw them to her window. Her balcony was opened. She was ready to go. The next minute she was down on the ground with me. I took her small hand in mine.


Niall and I climbed into the car. I took the wheel. Not to sound mean, but Niall's hand was shaking in mine he was nervous I didn't want him driving.

His leg quickly tapped up and down. Once we reached a stop light I placed my hand to Niall's knee.

"Calm down Niall." I gave him a reassuring smile.

Niall flashed me a half heart smirk.

His hand took mine in his. I could feel him shaking.

I pulled into the parking lot and pulled the key from the ignition. I looked over the the nervous Niall sitting in the seat next to me.

He took in a deep breath and slowly stepped out of the car.

Niall began to walk to the large building until I stopped him.

"Wait!" I said, "I have a surprise for you."


Sarah picked up her phone and put it to her ear.

"We're here... Okay bye." She spoke into the phone and hung up.

From out of no where, my mum and Greg showed up.

"Mum!?" I was stunned. I pulled her in for a hug. Doing the same to Greg.

They told me they couldn't make it. Greg was just starting collage and my mum had a business trip.

"What are you guys doing here?" I had one arm around my mum and the other around Greg'a shoulders.

"Did you really think we'd miss this?" Greg asked.

"Sarah planned it." My mum spoke.

I turned to Sarah. I can't believe she did this for me. She was so incredible!

"How?!" I asked still over joyed that they were here.

"I thought you would like having them here." She smiled.

I pulled her into a warm hug.

"Thank you Sarah." We stayed holding each other close until we saw a flash. My mum had taken a picture. We both separated our bodies and looked to my mum holding up the camera.

"Smile!" My mom focused the lens.

I wrapped my arm around Sarah's shoulder, hers around my waist.

"Say X-Factor!" My mum called out.

Sarah and I both sang together, "X-Factor!"

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